
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course aims to cover the recent advances of the interactions of microorganisms with radionuclides relevant to nuclear fuel cycle including those nuclides released from nuclear fuel reprocessing plants; the mechanisms of microbial transformations of actinides, fission and activation products.
1st day of class orientation requirements, evaluation criteria, suggested readings
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1st day of class orientation requirements, evaluation criteria, suggested readings Introduction-microbial ecology, microbial processes, factors that control microbial growth and activity; Mechanisms of Microbial transformations of toxic metals URL
2. 비디오 microbiology in nuclear wastes [MIND] abundance of microbes in waste repository sites, contaminated soils, and radioactive wastes. Microbial processes in subterranean environment. Microbial population distribution and activity in the surface, subsurface and deep geological environments URL
3. 비디오 nuclear reactors, radiation, radioactivity, detection (V.Shvetsov) introduction to ionizing radiation, origin, detection, protection, application URL
4. 비디오 Microbial Transformations and biogeochemical microbial processes in the subterranean environment, autotrophy, heterotrophy, electron donors and acceptors, oxidation/reduction reactions, bioleaching URL
5. 비디오 Carbon cycle - 1 organic matter degradation - environmental factors that affect decomposition URL
6. 비디오 Carbon cycle - 2 biodegradation of naturally occurring organic compounds and xenobiotics URL
7. 비디오 Nitrogen cycle ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, N2 fixation - symbiotic, asymbiotic URL
8. 비디오 review and discussion of microbial degradation of organics effect of chain length and substituents on biodegradation organic compounds. Reactive barrier for removal of organics and metals. Strategies for dehalogenation, biodegradation - structure function relationship URL
9. 비디오 sulfur and phosphorous cycles transformation of sulfur phosphorous URL
10. 비디오 microbial transformations of toxic metals mechanisms of biotransformation of As, Se, Te, Sn, Po, Hg, Pb, Cr, Mo URL
11. 비디오 mechanisms of mobilization and immobilization of toxic metals and radionuclides in wastes acid mine drainage (AMID), naturally occurring organic matter (NOM), microbial processes relevant to nuclear and coal wastes microbially induced corrosion (MIC) URL
12. 비디오 biotransformation of uranium I oxidation of uranium minerals by autotrophic bacteria and bioleaching URL
13. 비디오 biotransformation of uranium II biotransformation of uranium complexed with organic and inorganic ligands by heterotrophic bacteria URL
14. 비디오 biotransformation of uranium III mechanisms of microbial dissolution and immobilization of U, biosorption, bioaccumulation, bioreduction URL
15. Environmental biogeochemistry (W. Um) biology meets geology through chemistry. Chemical reactions of radionuclides with solids
16. biotransformation of plutonium I. microbial population distribution in Pu contaminated soils and wastes.
17. 비디오 Mid term exam - oral presentation and term paper biodegradation of resins, polymers, organic solidifying agents in low- and intermediate-level radioactive wastes URL
18. 비디오 Mid term exam - oral presentation and term paper biodegradation of resins, polymers, organic solidifying agents in low- and intermediate-level radioactive wastes URL
19. 비디오 biotransformation of plutonium II mechanisms of plutonium biotransformation, dissolution and immobilization of Pu, biotransformation of Pu complexed with organic ligands URL
20. 비디오 microbial transformations of Cesium, strontium, radium and selenium mobilization and immobilization of neptunium, thorium, americium, curium URL
21. 비디오 microbial transformations of carbon-14 and tritium biosorption and biorecipitation of cuss and Sr, selenium biotransformation, remobilization of radium, coprecipitated with baroum radium sulfate from waste URL
22. Microbial Transformations of Carbon-14 and Tritium. Microbial generation of 14CO2, 14CH4, HT, HTO, CH3T, 14CH3T from radioactive wastes and contaminated environments.
23. 비디오 Biotransformation of Technetium. Bioreduction of soluble pertechnetate Tc(VI) to insoluble Tc(IV) and precipitation. Solubilization of Tc(IV) by complexation with metabolites and organic ligands URL
24. 비디오 Microbial Transformations of Iodine. Iodine chemistry, Microbial oxidation, reduction, volatilization. Iodine immobilization by bioaccumulation and complexation with soil organic matter. URL
25. Mechanisms of Biosorption and Bioaccumulation of Radionuclides and Toxic Metals Association of radionuclides with bacteria and spectroscopic characterization by UV-vis, XANES, EXAFS, TRLF
26. Remediation of Radionuclides and Toxic Metals in Wastes, Contaminated Soils, Water, and Materials I. Characterization of Radionuclides and Toxic Metals
27. Bioremediation of uranium contaminated soils and wastes. II. Stabilization of Radionuclides and Volume Reduction
28. 비디오 Remediation of uranium contaminated soils and wastes III. Removal and Recovery of Radionuclides. URL
29. Remediation of Lead and other Toxic Metals in Wastes and Contaminated Soils IV. Treatment of MSW, Wood Ash, Electric Arc Furnace Ash, Lead paint contaminated soil.
30. 비디오 Last Day of ClassRemediation of Radionuclide Contaminated Soils, and Materials 5. Decontamination of Metallic Surfaces and Secondary Waste Volume Reduction. URL
31. 비디오 Final Exam: Special Project Oral Presentation and Term paper Microbial transformation of thorium, uranium and associated rare earth elements (REE) in Monazite ore. URL
32. 비디오 Final Exam: (cont’d) Microbial transformation of thorium, uranium and associated rare earth elements (REE) in Monazite ore. URL

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