
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >기계ㆍ금속 >기계공학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 2학기
  • 조회수
생체막 시스템에 대한 기본지식과 첨단수준의 topic을 다룸. Topic은 지질대사와 이동, 지질 신호전달, 세포막 이동, 생체막 도메인, 막단백질, 생체막-세포골격 상호작용, 생체막-단백질 상호작용, 세포간 상호작용 및 생체막 연구에 따른 방법론을 포함할 것이다.
Introduction of biomedical optics
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction of biomedical optics Introduction of biomedical optics; Geometric optics and components URL
2. 비디오 Photons and waves, wave equations, Maxwells equations Photons and waves, wave equations, Maxwells equations, Electromagnetic energy propagation, reflection and refraction URL
3. Basic microscopy
4. Superposition, poalrization, and interference Superposition, poalrization, and interference; Diffraction, Microscopy resolution and confocal microscopy
5. Optical properties of molecules, fluorescence Optical properties of molecules, fluorescence, Raman and other spectroscopic technique
6. Two-photon microscopy Two-photon microscopy; Other nonlinear microscopy (CARS, STED, Stimultaed Raman, TIR)
7. Quiz#1 Quiz#1; Laser optics, optical light sources; Micromanipulation with light: optical trap
8. Optical detectors, detection sensitivity Optical detectors, detection sensitivity; Fourier transform, coherence, and Fourier optics
9. Quiz 2 Optical coherence tomography; Quiz 2;
10. Wave guides, optical fibers Wave guides, optical fibers, Near fi디d optical microscopy
11. Survey of non-linear optical Survey of non-linear optical, electro-optical and acusto-optical devices; Tissue optics
12. Guest lectures on biophysics (Prof JB Lee)
13. Guest lecture on fluorescence and FRET(Prof NK Lee)
14. Guest lecture on biological applications (Prof JH Kim)
15. Guest lecture on quantum dots (Prof SJ Kim)

연관 자료


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