
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 강의학기
    2010년 2학기
  • 조회수
This is a required course for graduate students who want to understand about research methods.
Introduction of this course (1)
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction of this course (1) 1. Introduction of this course
2. Time Series Analysis
비디오 Introduction of this course (2) 1. Introduction of this course
2. Time Series Analysis
비디오 Introduction of this course (3) 1. Introduction of this course
2. Time Series Analysis
2. 비디오 Basic Time-Series Econometrics 1. Introduction of this course
2. Time Series Analysis
3. 비디오 Dynamic dividend behavior and share repurchases (1) 1. The Tax Structure and Corporate Dividend Policy
2. Repurchase Premiums as a Reason for Dividends
3. Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns
비디오 Dynamic dividend behavior and share repurchases (2) 1. The Tax Structure and Corporate Dividend Policy
2. Repurchase Premiums as a Reason for Dividends
3. Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns
비디오 Dynamic dividend behavior and share repurchases (3) 1. The Tax Structure and Corporate Dividend Policy
2. Repurchase Premiums as a Reason for Dividends
3. Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns
비디오 Dynamic dividend behavior and share repurchases (4) 1. The Tax Structure and Corporate Dividend Policy
2. Repurchase Premiums as a Reason for Dividends
3. Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns
4. 비디오 Permanent and Transitory Components (VAR Identification), non-fundamental component, and Mean Reversion (1) 1.Trends and random walk in macroeconomic time series 2.Stock Returns and Inflation with Supply and Demand Shocks URL
비디오 Permanent and Transitory Components (VAR Identification), non-fundamental component, and Mean Reversion (2) 1.Trends and random walk in macroeconomic time series 2.Stock Returns and Inflation with Supply and Demand Shocks URL
비디오 Permanent and Transitory Components (VAR Identification), non-fundamental component, and Mean Reversion (3) 1.Trends and random walk in macroeconomic time series 2.Stock Returns and Inflation with Supply and Demand Shocks URL
5. 비디오 Capital markets research in accounting and Post-announcement drift in abnormal returns (1) Investor Perceptions of Earnings Expectations and Post-announcement Drifts URL
비디오 Capital markets research in accounting and Post-announcement drift in abnormal returns (2) Investor Perceptions of Earnings Expectations and Post-announcement Drifts URL
비디오 Capital markets research in accounting and Post-announcement drift in abnormal returns (3) Investor Perceptions of Earnings Expectations and Post-announcement Drifts URL
비디오 Capital markets research in accounting and Post-announcement drift in abnormal returns (4) Investor Perceptions of Earnings Expectations and Post-announcement Drifts URL
비디오 Capital markets research in accounting and Post-announcement drift in abnormal returns (5) Investor Perceptions of Earnings Expectations and Post-announcement Drifts URL
비디오 Capital markets research in accounting and Post-announcement drift in abnormal returns (6) Investor Perceptions of Earnings Expectations and Post-announcement Drifts URL
6. 비디오 Causality (1) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment with respect to earnings URL
비디오 Causality (2) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment with respect to earnings URL
비디오 Causality (3) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment with respect to earnings URL
비디오 Causality (4) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment with respect to earnings URL
비디오 Causality (5) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment with respect to earnings URL
비디오 Causality (6) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment with respect to earnings URL
7. 비디오 VAR approach and Identification (1) 1.Estimating VAR using methods not d on explicit economic theories URL
비디오 VAR approach and Identification (2) 1.Estimating VAR using methods not d on explicit economic theories URL
비디오 VAR approach and Identification (3) 1.Estimating VAR using methods not d on explicit economic theories URL
비디오 VAR approach and Identification (4) 1.Estimating VAR using methods not d on explicit economic theories URL
비디오 VAR approach and Identification (5) 1.Estimating VAR using methods not d on explicit economic theories URL
8. 비디오 Market Efficiency and Volatility (1) Permanent, temporary, and non-fundamental components of stock prices URL
비디오 Market Efficiency and Volatility (2) Permanent, temporary, and non-fundamental components of stock prices URL
비디오 Market Efficiency and Volatility (3) Permanent, temporary, and non-fundamental components of stock prices URL
비디오 Market Efficiency and Volatility (4) Permanent, temporary, and non-fundamental components of stock prices URL
비디오 Market Efficiency and Volatility (5) Permanent, temporary, and non-fundamental components of stock prices URL
비디오 Market Efficiency and Volatility (6) Permanent, temporary, and non-fundamental components of stock prices URL
9. 비디오 Non-stationarity, unit root, and Cointegration (1) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment
with respect to earnings
비디오 Non-stationarity, unit root, and Cointegration (2) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment
with respect to earnings
비디오 Non-stationarity, unit root, and Cointegration (3) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment
with respect to earnings
비디오 Non-stationarity, unit root, and Cointegration (4) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment
with respect to earnings
비디오 Non-stationarity, unit root, and Cointegration (5) Value maximization and the information content of corporate investment
with respect to earnings
10. 비디오 Generalized method of moments (1) Simulation estimation of time series models URL
비디오 Generalized method of moments (2) Simulation estimation of time series models URL
비디오 Generalized method of moments (3) Simulation estimation of time series models URL
비디오 Generalized method of moments (4) Simulation estimation of time series models URL
비디오 Generalized method of moments (5) Simulation estimation of time series models URL
비디오 Generalized method of moments (6) Simulation estimation of time series models URL
비디오 Generalized method of moments (7) Simulation estimation of time series models URL
11. 비디오 Estimating and Testing Assert Pricing Models (1) Generalized instrumental variables estimation of nonlinear rational expectations models URL
비디오 Estimating and Testing Assert Pricing Models (2) Generalized instrumental variables estimation of nonlinear rational expectations models URL
비디오 Estimating and Testing Assert Pricing Models (3) Generalized instrumental variables estimation of nonlinear rational expectations models URL
비디오 Estimating and Testing Assert Pricing Models (4) Generalized instrumental variables estimation of nonlinear rational expectations models URL
비디오 Estimating and Testing Assert Pricing Models (5) Generalized instrumental variables estimation of nonlinear rational expectations models URL
비디오 Estimating and Testing Assert Pricing Models (6) Generalized instrumental variables estimation of nonlinear rational expectations models URL
12. 비디오 Term Structure of Interest Rates (1) A nonlinear expectations model of the term structure of interest rates with time-varying risk premia URL
비디오 Term Structure of Interest Rates (2) A nonlinear expectations model of the term structure of interest rates with time-varying risk premia URL
비디오 Term Structure of Interest Rates (3) A nonlinear expectations model of the term structure of interest rates with time-varying risk premia URL
비디오 Term Structure of Interest Rates (4) A nonlinear expectations model of the term structure of interest rates with time-varying risk premia URL
비디오 Term Structure of Interest Rates (5) A nonlinear expectations model of the term structure of interest rates with time-varying risk premia URL
비디오 Term Structure of Interest Rates (6) A nonlinear expectations model of the term structure of interest rates with time-varying risk premia URL
13. 비디오 Equity Premium (1) The equity premium and risk free rate: Matching the moments URL
비디오 Equity Premium (2) The equity premium and risk free rate: Matching the moments URL
비디오 Equity Premium (3) The equity premium and risk free rate: Matching the moments URL
비디오 Equity Premium (4) The equity premium and risk free rate: Matching the moments URL
비디오 Equity Premium (5) The equity premium and risk free rate: Matching the moments URL
비디오 Equity Premium (6) The equity premium and risk free rate: Matching the moments URL
14. 비디오 Asset returns and inflation (1) Returns and Inflation in response to Supply, Monetary, and Fiscal Disturbances URL
비디오 Asset returns and inflation (2) Returns and Inflation in response to Supply, Monetary, and Fiscal Disturbances URL
비디오 Asset returns and inflation (3) Returns and Inflation in response to Supply, Monetary, and Fiscal Disturbances URL
비디오 Asset returns and inflation (4) Returns and Inflation in response to Supply, Monetary, and Fiscal Disturbances URL

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