1. |
Introduction to github, Markdown, Jupyter notebook |
Introduction to colab and github |
Introduction to github, Markdown, Jupyter notebook |
Intro to Markdown |
Ch1 What is deep learning |
Key factors behind deep learning’s rising popularity and future potential |
2. |
Ch2 The mathematical building blocks of neural networks (1) |
A first example of a neural network |
Ch2 The mathematical building blocks of neural networks (2) |
Tensors and tensor operations |
3. |
Ch2 The mathematical building blocks of neural networks (3) |
How neural networks learn via backpropagation and gradient descent |
Ch3 Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow |
A closer look at TensorFlow, Keras, and their relationship |
4. |
Ch4 Getting started with neural networks: Classification and regression |
first examples of real-world machine learning workflows - classification and regression examples |
5. |
Ch5 Fundamentals of machine learning |
Understanding the tension between generalization and optimization, the fundamental issue in machine learning |
Ch6 The universal workflowof machine learning |
Steps fframing a machine learning problem, Steps fdeveloping a working model |
6. |
Ch7 Working with Keras: A deep dive |
Creating Keras models, Using built-in Keras training and evaluation loops, Using Keras callbacks |
7. |
Ch8 Introduction to deep learning for computer vision |
Understanding convolutional neural networks, Using data augmentation, Using a pretrained convnet, Fine-tuning a pretrained convnet |
8. |
Ch9 Advanced deep learning for computer vision (1) |
The different branches of computer vision, Modern convnet architecture patterns |
9. |
Ch9 Advanced deep learning for computer vision (2) |
Techniques for visualizing and interpreting what convnets learn |
Ch10 Deep learning for timeseries |
Examples of machine learning tasks that involve timeseries data, Understanding recurrent neural networks, Advanced RNN |
10. |
Ch11 Deep learning for text (1) |
Preprocessing text data for machine learning applications, Bag-of-words approaches and sequence-modeling approaches for text processing |
11. |
Ch11 Deep learning for text (2) |
The Transformer architecture, Sequence-to-sequence learning |
12. |
Ch12 Generative deep learning |
text generation, deep dream |