1. |
Introduction to System
dynamics |
Introduction to System
dynamics |
2. |
Measurement and Signal |
Measurement and Signal |
3. |
Laplace transformation |
Laplace transformation |
4. |
Mechanical System modeling |
Mechanical System modeling |
5. |
Transfer function approach1 |
Transfer function approach1 |
6. |
Transfer function approach2 |
Transfer function approach2 |
7. |
State-space modeling of dynamic system1 |
State-space modeling of dynamic system1 |
8. |
State-space modeling of dynamic system2 |
State-space modeling of dynamic system2 |
9. |
Time doemain analysis of dynamic systems1 |
Time doemain analysis of dynamic systems1 |
10. |
Time doemain analysis of dynamic systems2 |
Time doemain analysis of dynamic systems2 |
11. |
Frequency domain analysisand design of control systems1 |
Frequency domain analysis and design of control systems1 |
12. |
Frequency domain analysisand design of control systems2 |
Frequency domain analysis and design of control systems2 |