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    인문과학 >인문과학기타 >사학
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To learn Korean History from the prehistoric period to modern society which includes politics, society, economy, and important historical figures in Korean history in order to broaden the understanding about contemporary Korea

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 The Formation of Korean History This material explains about prehistoric ages, bronze age, iron age, Gojoseon, and early states of Korea. URL
비디오 The Formation of Korean History This material explains about prehistoric ages, bronze age, iron age, Gojoseon, and early states of Korea. URL
비디오 The Formation of Korean History This material explains about prehistoric ages, bronze age, iron age, Gojoseon, and early states of Korea. URL
2. 비디오 The Development of Three Kingdoms This material explains about Three Kingdoms of Korea and their relations. URL
비디오 The Development of Three Kingdoms This material explains about Three Kingdoms of Korea and their relations. URL
비디오 The Development of Three Kingdoms This material explains about Three Kingdoms of Korea and their relations. URL
3. 비디오 The Development of North South States Period This material explains about North South States Period and the society, economy, and culture of the period. URL
비디오 The Development of North South States Period This material explains about North South States Period and the society, economy, and culture of the period. URL
비디오 The Development of North South States Period This material explains about North South States Period and the society, economy, and culture of the period. URL
4. 비디오 The Development of Goryeo (1) This material explains about Later Three Kingdoms and Goryeo. URL
비디오 The Development of Goryeo (1) This material explains about Later Three Kingdoms and Goryeo. URL
비디오 The Development of Goryeo (1) This material explains about Later Three Kingdoms and Goryeo. URL
5. 비디오 The Development of Goryeo (2) This material explains about political changes, economy, society, and culture of late Goryeo. URL
비디오 The Development of Goryeo (2) This material explains about political changes, economy, society, and culture of late Goryeo. URL
비디오 The Development of Goryeo (2) This material explains about political changes, economy, society, and culture of late Goryeo. URL
6. 비디오 The Development of Joseon (1) This material explains about the establishment and early kings of Joseon and Japanese Invasion in 1592. URL
비디오 The Development of Joseon (1) This material explains about the establishment and early kings of Joseon and Japanese Invasion in 1592. URL
비디오 The Development of Joseon (1) This material explains about the establishment and early kings of Joseon and Japanese Invasion in 1592. URL
7. 비디오 The Development of Joseon (2) This material explains about Manchu War of 1636 and various forms of politics of Joseon. URL
비디오 The Development of Joseon (2) This material explains about Manchu War of 1636 and various forms of politics of Joseon. URL
비디오 The Development of Joseon (2) This material explains about Manchu War of 1636 and various forms of politics of Joseon. URL
8. 비디오 Summary This material summarizes from topic 1 to 7. URL
9. 비디오 The Development of Joseon (3) This material explains about the development and changes of society, economy, and culture of Joseon. URL
비디오 The Development of Joseon (3) This material explains about the development and changes of society, economy, and culture of Joseon. URL
비디오 The Development of Joseon (3) This material explains about the development and changes of society, economy, and culture of Joseon. URL
10. 비디오 The Development of Modern Society This material explains about 19th century Joseon and Korean Empire. URL
비디오 The Development of Modern Society This material explains about 19th century Joseon and Korean Empire. URL
비디오 The Development of Modern Society This material explains about 19th century Joseon and Korean Empire. URL
11. 비디오 Japanese Colonial Era (1) This material explains about Japanese colonial exploitation policy. URL
비디오 Japanese Colonial Era (1) This material explains about Japanese colonial exploitation policy. URL
비디오 Japanese Colonial Era (1) This material explains about Japanese colonial exploitation policy. URL
12. 비디오 Japanese Colonial Era (2) This material explains about Korean national movements against Japanese colonial occupation. URL
비디오 Japanese Colonial Era (2) This material explains about Korean national movements against Japanese colonial occupation. URL
비디오 Japanese Colonial Era (2) This material explains about Korean national movements against Japanese colonial occupation. URL
13. 비디오 The Development of Contemporary Society (1) This material explains about the establishment of Government of Republic of Korea, Korean War, and Lee Seung-Man regime. URL
비디오 The Development of Contemporary Society (1) This material explains about the establishment of Government of Republic of Korea, Korean War, and Lee Seung-Man regime. URL
비디오 The Development of Contemporary Society (1) This material explains about the establishment of Government of Republic of Korea, Korean War, and Lee Seung-Man regime. URL
14. 비디오 The Development of Contemporary Society (2) This material explains about Park Chung-Hee Regime, economic growth and political development of Korea. URL
비디오 The Development of Contemporary Society (2) This material explains about Park Chung-Hee Regime, economic growth and political development of Korea. URL
비디오 The Development of Contemporary Society (2) This material explains about Park Chung-Hee Regime, economic growth and political development of Korea. URL
15. 비디오 Summary This material summarizes from topic 9 to 14. URL

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