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- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
The geography curriculum has been scrutinised recently and a big shake up has meant that climate change will now be taught in all secondary schools. But with climate change encompassing so many topics, what is the best way of teaching such a diverse and modern subject? David Lambert from the Geographical Association and climate change expert Ed Gillespie from Futerra meet with geography teacher Dave Dixon from Hampstead School in London to discuss the most effective ways of teaching climate change. David and Ed explain that organising the curriculum around the key concepts of interdependence; physical and human processes that cause change; place and space, and diversity, can make the subject more digestible for young students. Dave's lesson includes calculating carbon footprints of a celebrity and another teacher in the school which engages the pupils and promotes debate as to whose responsibility climate change is.
Video Series: KS3/4 Geography
Release Date 2006