- 주제분류
- 교육학 >교육일반 >기타
- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
Why are there so few senior teachers and heads from ethnic minorities? Peter Curran investigates by talking to Shiraz Chakera about the General Teaching Council's 'Achieve Network', set up for education professionals promoting racial equality and diversity in schools. He also consults Rosemary Campbell about what the Institute of Education is doing to improve progression up the career path for black and minority ethnic teachers. CareerWise gives one young British Asian NQT from Birmingham the opportunity to shadow inspirational Head Dinesh Ramjee at his school in West London. And Peter catches up with the programme's regular career coach Dr Jan McKenley. Jan facilitates the NUT/National College of School Leadership 'Equal Access to Promotion' programme and this week she gives advice with black and ethnic minority teachers in mind.
Video Series: CareerWise
Release Date 2006