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- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
If you're an RE teacher who wants to use art in lessons but lacks the confidence to try it, this programme is for you. It's simply a matter of learning some basic techniques. You really don't have to be an artist to use art in RE to great effect. Paul Hobbs is an artist who specialises in helping teachers build their confidence and know-how to use art in RE. In this workshop, he gets teachers to break through the pain barrier and try things for themselves. Teachers Angela Saunders and Sue Wilkinson (Plumstead Manor School), Holly Boyd (Heston Community School), Helen Walsh ( Islington Arts and Media School), Ellie Clay (Ellen Wilkinson School for girls) and Louise Harris (Frances Bardsley School) try out three different artistic techniques and discuss how to use them back in the classroom. In the KS3/4 RE programme, 'Integrating Art', you can see how one of the teachers puts some of what she has learnt into practice.
Video Series: KS3-4 RE
Release Date 2006