
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >법률 >국제법학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    3.6/5.0 (3)
This course explores concepts and practices of International Development/ODA and legal issues. The course will discuss practical issues of international development and cooperation or ODA systems around the world. Then, it will survey the legal issues on the topic. Finally, it will introduce to build The Korean Models on the issues.
Part 1. General Introduction and the Basic Concept of the ‘ODA’
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Part 1. General Introduction and the Basic Concept of the ‘ODA’ Explanation of the ODA works URL
비디오 Part 2. Basic points on the ‘ODA’ Dimentions of the ODA works URL
2. 비디오 Part 1. The Paradigms on the Development Issues in the International Society ODA in the International Society URL
비디오 Part 2. New Paradigms for the Development activities in the International Society Several issues on the ODA works URL
3. 비디오 Part 1. International Law on the Development issues Laws for the Development work in the international Society URL
비디오 Part 2. The Bodies in the UN on the Development issues The UN structure for the Development works URL
4. 비디오 Part 1. ODA and Trade issues and International Law The WTO structure for the Development works and the related issues URL
비디오 Part 2. The SDGs in the WTO and The law for the works New types of ODA-Trade related issues. URL
5. 비디오 Part 1. The laws on the ODA works of the OECD OECD sturucture on the ODA works URL
비디오 Part 2. DAC in the OECD Explanation of the ODA works by the OECD and the DAC URL
6. 비디오 Part 1. ODA and MDBs 1 Basic concept and structure of MDBs URL
비디오 Part 2. Details of the IDA Agreement The explanations of IDA in WB URL
7. 비디오 Part 1. The IBRD in the World Bank The explanations of IBRD in WB URL
비디오 Part 2. Asian Development Bank and African Development Bank The explanations of ADB and AfDB in WB URL
8. 비디오 Part 1. The Korean Economy and the ODA The economic development of Korea and the help of the international society URL
비디오 Part 2. The Korean ODA as a Donor The explanation of Korea as a Donor country URL
9. 비디오 Part 1. Korean ODA works in the UN Korean ODA works in the UN stage URL
비디오 Part 2. Korean ODA works in other international organisations Korean ODA works in other international organisations URL
10. 비디오 Part 1. Laws for the Korean ODA works The explanation of the Laws for the Korean ODA works in the international Society URL
비디오 Part 2. International Law for the ODA works of Korea The explanation of the International Laws for the Korean ODA works URL
11. 비디오 Part 1. Domestic Laws for the Korean ODA The explanation of the National Laws for the Korean ODA works URL
비디오 Part 2. The Provisions of the Framework Act The explanation of the Framework Act as a National Laws for the Korean ODA works URL
12. 비디오 Part 1. The law for KOICA The explanation of the KOICA Act as a National Laws for the Korean ODA works URL
비디오 Part 2. The KOICA works by the law The explanation of the provisions in KOICA Act URL
13. 비디오 Part 1. The law for the EDCF works The explanation of the EDCF Act as a National Laws for the Korean ODA works URL
비디오 Part 2. EDCF works The explanation of the provisions in EDCF Act and the procedure of the works URL

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