1. | OS의 전반적인 개요 | 1. Operating systems components 2. Basic computer system organization |
2. | System Structures | 1. storage-device hierarchy 2. caching 3. migration of integer a from disk to register |
3. | Process Concept | 1. process scheduling queues 2. schedulers 3. context switch 4. process creation/ termonation |
4. | Multithreaded Programming | 1. First-Come, First- Served 2. Shortest-Job-First 3. Priority 4. Round Robin |
5. | Synchronization | 1. The Deadlock Problem - System Model - Deadlock Characterization |
6. | Deadlocks | 2. Methods for Handling Deadlocks - Deadlock Avidance - Safe State - Avoidance algorithms : bankers algorithm |
7. | Memory Management Strategies | 2. Methods for Handling Deadlocks - Avoidance algorithms, The resource, allocation graft algorithm - Data structures for the Bankers Algorithm - Safety Algorithm - Deadlock Detection & Recovery |
8. | Virtual Memory Management | 1. Memory Management 2. Memory Management Unit (MMU) - Contiguous Allocation - Fragmentation - Paging |
9. | File System | 1. Background 2. Swapping 3. Contiguous Memory Allocation 4. Paging 5. Structure of the Page Table 6. Segmentation 7. Example : The Intel Pentium |
10. | Implementing File Systems | 1. Memory Protection 2. Shared Pages 3. Structure of the Page Table |
11. | Secondary Storage Structure | 1. Virtual Memory - optimal algorithm - locality in a memory-reference pattern 2. File-system interface - file concept - access methods - directory structure |
12. | HDFS 및 Map reduce 설명 | 1. File system Implementation - file system structure - file system implementation - directory implementation - allocation methods |