
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경제학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 2학기
  • 조회수
This course try to understand how labor markets work. The students will grasp why some persons chose to work, while other persons withdraw from the labor market; why some firms expand their employment at the same time that other firms are laying off workers; or why earnings are distributed unequally in most societies. Important topics addressed by this course include the determination of the income distribution, the economic impact of unions, the allocation of a workers time to the labor market, the hiring and firing decisions of firms, labor market discrimination, the determinants of unemployment, and the workers decision to invest in human capital.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction to Labor Economics Why study Labor Economics? Issues in Labor Economics URL
2. 문서 Labor Supply Measuring LF Model of Labor-Leisure Choice Why women’s work propensities rose and hours of work declined Do welfare programs reduce incentives to work? Does a cut in the income tax rate increase hours of work? What factors explain the rapid growth of women’s LFPR? URL
3. 문서 Labor Demand how many workers are hired and what are they paid? How many workers should the firm hire? URL
4. 문서 Compensating Wage Differentials Why do different workers get paid differently? URL
5. 문서 Human Capital How we choose the particular set of skills and knowledge. Which level of schooling should a person choose? URL
6. 문서 Wage Structure This chapter considers the factors that contribute to the shape of the wage distribution. Why did wage inequality increase? URL
7. 문서 Labor Market Discrimination Discrimination occurs when the marketplace takes into account such factors as race and sex when making economic exchanges. URL
8. 문서 Labor Union Decision to join a union. Why has union membership declined? URL
9. 문서 Incentive Pay Incentive pay and pay system. Compensation of CEOs URL
10. 문서 Unemployment Structural Unemployment, Frictional Unemployment, Job Search URL

연관 자료


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