
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    의약학 >약학 >약학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 2학기
  • 조회수
The aim of this class is to learn etiology (risk factors), pathogenesis, morphology and clinical symptoms of various human

diseases on the basis of anatomy & physiology knowledge.

The purpose of this class is to understand general characteristics of diseases, and to dive into various diseases

categorized by organ systems.

The class is specifically oriented to students in pharmacy major.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction & Terminol ogy learning, Cell Injury, Inflammation Introduction & Terminol ogy learning, Cell Injury, Inflammation URL
2. 문서 Repair, Regenerati on, and Fibrosis, Immunopathology Repair, Regenerati on, and Fibrosis, Immunopathology URL
3. 문서 Neoplasia Neoplasia URL
4. 문서 Developmental an d Genetic Diseases, Hemodynamic Disorders, Environmental and Nutriti onal Pathology Developmental an d Genetic Diseases, Hemodynamic Disorders, Environmental and Nutriti onal Pathology URL
5. 문서 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, The Cytopathology Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, The Cytopathology URL
6. 문서 Blood Vessels, The Heart Blood Vessels, The Heart URL
7. 문서 The Re spiratory System, The GI Tract (Part 1) The Re spiratory System, The GI Tract (Part 1) URL
8. 문서 The GI Tract (Part 2), The Liver and Biliary System, The Pancreas The GI Tract (Part 2), The Liver and Biliary System, The Pancreas URL
9. 문서 The Kidney, The Lower Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System, The Female Reproductive System The Kidney, The Lower Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System, The Female Reproductive System URL
10. 문서 The Breast, Hematopathology The Breast, Hematopathology URL
11. 문서 The Endocrine System, Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, and Meta bolic Syndrome, The Amyloidoses The Endocrine System, Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, and Meta bolic Syndrome, The Amyloidoses URL
12. 문서 The Skin: Epidermis, The Head and Neck The Skin: Epidermis, The Head and Neck URL
13. 문서 Bones and Joints, Skeletal Muscle, The Nervous System (Part 1) Bones and Joints, Skeletal Muscle, The Nervous System (Part 1) URL
14. 문서 The Nervous System (Part 2), The Eye The Nervous System (Part 2), The Eye URL

연관 자료


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