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  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
Academic writing is one of the most important skills you can develop at post-secondary institution (e.g., college or university). Particularly notable is how writing helps you learn and organize information, process disciplinary contents, and thus develop critical and creative thinking. Recent research studies have shown that writing helps enhance one’s academic reading skill. When reading and writing develop in tandem, therefore, you not only learn the content of your major areas but also methods by which these disciplinary contents are developed and shared among professionals. Based on this understanding, this course is designed to give you the practical and concrete experiences with academic writing processes with particular focus on thesis-oriented argumentation in English. In this course, you learn about essential components of arguments, practice these skills in various in-class and homework assignments and apply these skills to your own argumentative essays.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction to the course Introduction to the course URL
2. 비디오 Adler & van Doren: (1-20) The activity and art of reading Adler & van Doren: (1-20) The activity and art of reading URL
3. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 1 (1-11) Thinking & Writing Cooper & Patton Chap 1 (1-11) Thinking & Writing URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 1 (11-19) Thinking & Writing Cooper & Patton Chap 1 (11-19) Thinking & Writing URL
4. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 2 (20-41) Inference: Critical thought Cooper & Patton Chap 2 (20-41) Inference: Critical thought URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 2 (42-50) Inference: Critical thought Cooper & Patton Chap 2 (42-50) Inference: Critical thought URL
5. 비디오 Elbow: (3-25)Some essentials Elbow: (3-25)Some essentials URL
비디오 Elbow: (26-46) Some essentials Elbow: (26-46) Some essentials URL
6. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 3 (51-60) The Structure of argument Cooper & Patton Chap 3 (51-60) The Structure of argument URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 3 (60-74), Cooper & Patton Chap 3 Cooper & Patton Chap 3 (60-74), Cooper & Patton Chap 3 URL
7. 비디오 Student Writing I: Cooper & Patton (209-233) Student Writing I: Cooper & Patton (209-233) URL
8. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 4 (75-88): Written argument Cooper & Patton Chap 4 (75-88): Written argument URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 4 (88-96): Written argument Cooper & Patton Chap 4 (88-96): Written argument URL
9. 비디오 Student Writing II (Micro Argument…)Cooper & Patton (209-233) Student Writing II (Micro Argument…)Cooper & Patton (209-233) URL
10. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 5 (97-109) The language of argument Cooper & Patton Chap 5 (97-109) The language of argument URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 5 (109-115) The language of argument Cooper & Patton Chap 5 (109-115) The language of argument URL
11. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 6 (122-142) Fallacious Arguments Cooper & Patton Chap 6 (122-142) Fallacious Arguments URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 6 (142-149) Fallacious Arguments Boxing, Doctors-Round Two Cooper & Patton Chap 6 (142-149) Fallacious Arguments Boxing, Doctors-Round Two URL
12. 비디오 Handout for Functional Linguistics Handout for Functional Linguistics URL
비디오 Williams & Colomb (66-81) Cohesion and coherence Williams & Colomb (66-81) Cohesion and coherence URL
13. 비디오 Cook (1-17) Loose, baggy sentences Cook (1-17) Loose, baggy sentences URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 7 (150-165) Deductive and Inductive Argument Cooper & Patton Chap 7 (150-165) Deductive and Inductive Argument URL
14. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 7 (165-175) Deductive and Inductive Argument Cooper & Patton Chap 7 (165-175) Deductive and Inductive Argument URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 7 (175-190) Deductive and Inductive Argument Cooper & Patton Chap 7 (175-190) Deductive and Inductive Argument URL
15. 비디오 Cooper & Patton Chap 8 (191-208) The Language of Argument Cooper & Patton Chap 8 (191-208) The Language of Argument URL
비디오 Cooper & Patton (202-208) A Quick Guide Cooper & Patton (202-208) A Quick Guide URL

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