
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    교육학 >중등교육 >지리교육학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
This coure offers basic knowledge and issues of human & physical geography of Korea.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction 1. Introduction URL
2. 비디오 Korean Perspectives 1. Why is the geography? 2. What is the regional geography? 3. Geography of Korea 1) Location 2) Physical environment 3) Historical and Cultural Background URL
3. 비디오 Environment: Natural Setting Climate and livelihood 1. Climate of Korea: General characteristics 2. Temperature 3. Precipitation 4. Winds and Frequency of Weather Phenomena 5. Climate and Korean culture URL
4. 비디오 Landform and people 1. Formation of the Korean peninsula : geological background 2. Landforms 1) Mountains and plateaus 2) Tilted Topography 3) Rivers and Plains 4) Coast and Seas 5) Landform and National Park URL
5. 비디오 Soil and Traditional Agriculture 1. Overview of soil forming factors in Korea 2. Soils in Korea 3. Influence of anthropogenic factors on the quality of soils 4. Soil Loss 5. Acidity of farmland soils URL
6. 비디오 Natural hazard: Flooding and Drought 1. Natural hazards in Korea 1) Meteorologtical hazards 2) Geological hazards 2. Natural hazards : Cause and Condition 3. Recent natural hazard 1) Heavy storm 2) Typhoon 3) Drought 4) Dust storm 5) Landslides URL
7. 비디오 Geographical perception and Cultural geography of Korea 1. History of Korean people 2. Korean language and its characteristic 3. Korean religion and the cultural distinction affected by religion 4. Korean geomancy Pungsu and location decision for better life URL
8. 비디오 Contemporary Manufacture and Industry 1. Economic development since 1960s 2. Globalization in the 1990s 3. Industrial restructuring and industrial policies in region URL
9. 비디오 Rural and Urban Setting 1. Urbanization and development of modern cities 2. Urbanization and Suburbanization 3. Urban system and its change URL
10. 비디오 Population: Structure and Distribution 1. Dynamics of population growth in Korea 2. Characteristics of population distribution and density in Korea in relating to the physical and economic factors 3. Population structure by gender and age 4. Characteristics of fertility and mortality and its change 5. Characteristics of migration and population policies URL
11. 비디오 National and Regional Development Policy of Korea 1. Historical view of the land development 2. National land use planning and development policies 3. Recent National policy for the land use URL
12. 비디오 Political and Social Porcesses 1. History of Korean Emigration 2. Korean Emigrants and Foreign Workers in Korea 3. Korea moving toward to Multi-Cultural Society URL

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