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  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
새로운 연구 분야의 신소재에서 나타나는 새로운 물리학을 다룬다. 기존의 물리학으로는 설명이 되지

않고, 새로운 물리학적 해석을 필요로 하는 신소재에서의 다양한 물리학적 접근 방법을 구체적으로

  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction Introduction, Surface vs. bulk URL
비디오 Introduction Introduction, Surface vs. bulk URL
2. 비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (I) Unique Properties of Thin Film, Typical steps in making thin films, non-crystalline solids, Classify solids, Surface energy, Epitaxy, Surface and Interface Crystallography, Strain in epitaxial layers can be beneficial URL
비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (I) Unique Properties of Thin Film, Typical steps in making thin films, non-crystalline solids, Classify solids, Surface energy, Epitaxy, Surface and Interface Crystallography, Strain in epitaxial layers can be beneficial URL
비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (I) Unique Properties of Thin Film, Typical steps in making thin films, non-crystalline solids, Classify solids, Surface energy, Epitaxy, Surface and Interface Crystallography, Strain in epitaxial layers can be beneficial URL
3. 비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (II) Strained films, Lattice misfit, Crystal structures and orientations URL
비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (II) Strained films, Lattice misfit, Crystal structures and orientations URL
4. 비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (III) Structure evolution in polycrystalline films. Substrate temperature affects the density of films. Effect of deposition rate and substrate temperature on film properties. URL
비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (III) Structure evolution in polycrystalline films. Substrate temperature affects the density of films. Effect of deposition rate and substrate temperature on film properties. URL
비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (IV) Different techniques avaitable for the growth of thin films. Vapor pressure of different metals at different temperature. Sputtering yield-sputter efficiency. Parameters for DC sputtering URL
비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (IV) Different techniques avaitable for the growth of thin films. Vapor pressure of different metals at different temperature. Sputtering yield-sputter efficiency. Parameters for DC sputtering URL
6. 비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (V) sputtering, Evaporation vs. sputtering URL
비디오 Processing-structure-property relationship (V) sputtering, Evaporation vs. sputtering URL
7. 비디오 Multifunctional materials (I) Novel functionalities of thin films. PLD-a powerful technique for the growth of thin films. Advantages of PLD for ferroelectric films. Important parameters to be considered for PLD. Particulate formed at different strages of film deposition. URL
비디오 Multifunctional materials (I) Novel functionalities of thin films. PLD-a powerful technique for the growth of thin films. Advantages of PLD for ferroelectric films. Important parameters to be considered for PLD. Particulate formed at different strages of film deposition. URL
8. 비디오 Multifunctional materials (II) Critical mismatch and Lattice strain. Superconduting interfaces between insulating oxides. Interesting features from vertical interfaces, Multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures URL
비디오 Multifunctional materials (II) Critical mismatch and Lattice strain. Superconduting interfaces between insulating oxides. Interesting features from vertical interfaces, Multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures URL
9. 비디오 Research presentation Giving Effective Presentations URL
비디오 Research presentation Giving Effective Presentations URL
비디오 Research presentation Giving Effective Presentations URL
10. 비디오 Multifunctional materials (III) Chemical solution deposition. Flow chart of typical chemical solution deposition process, PAD process URL
비디오 Multifunctional materials (III) Chemical solution deposition. Flow chart of typical chemical solution deposition process, PAD process URL
비디오 Multifunctional materials (III) Chemical solution deposition. Flow chart of typical chemical solution deposition process, PAD process URL
11. 비디오 Multifunctional materials (Ⅳ) Variation of resistivity of metal with temperature. Discovery of superconductivity URL
비디오 Multifunctional materials (Ⅳ) Variation of resistivity of metal with temperature. Discovery of superconductivity URL

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