
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
Discourse analysis refers to a field of study that examines English use both in spoken and written

forms. This course has three primary aims. First, you will find yourself engaged in a variety of

individual and collective learning activities. This will help you acquire not only the knowledge of

discourse in various social and cultural settings but also skills to become an informed user of

English. Second, the course proceeds developmentally beginning with simple, singular and

discrete tasks that serve as a foundation for accomplishing more complex, multiple and

comprehensive tasks by the end of the course in May and/or June. Third, you will write and speak

English regularly such that they become part of the learning experience. I will use various teaching

methods that include lecture, class discussion, group activities, data analyses and/or individual or

group assignments throughout the course.
Week 1-1
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Week 1-1 Introduction URL
비디오 Week 1-2 Aebersold & Field (1997) : What is reading? URL
2. 비디오 Week 2-1 What is reading? Continued and What is discourse analysis? URL
비디오 Week 2-2 Email or Face-to-Face? And Guide about writing session URL
3. 비디오 Week 3-1 General explanation about Jig Saw reading, collaborative research presentation and Spoken vs. Written discourse and Discourse and society: Gender, Identity & Ideology URL
4. 비디오 Week 4-1 What is Pragmatics? Speech acts and discourse URL
비디오 Week 4-2 Speech Act continued. Conversational Implicature, Pragmatic troubles, and the theory of politeness URL
5. 비디오 Week 5-1 Cooperative principles, Pragmatic troubles, politeness and face URL
비디오 Week 5-1 Cooperative principles, Pragmatic troubles, politeness and face URL
6. 비디오 Week 6-1 Two kinds of writing: Creative writing and Critical writing and Steps in Genre Analysis URL
7. 비디오 Week 7-1 Discourse and Conversation The social animal by D Brooks URL
8. 비디오 Week 8-1 Formal writing, doing discourse analysis, URL
비디오 Week 8-2 Doing discourse analysis and Evaluating DA project URL
9. 비디오 Week 9-1 Discourse and Grammar: how grammar matters at the discourse level, Cohesion and Cohesive Device URL
비디오 Week 9-2 Discourse and Grammar continued. Collocation, Conjunction, Theme and Rheme URL
10. 비디오 Week 10-1 Thematic progression and Lee’s article on Korean URL
11. 비디오 Week 11-1 Quick Revision and Structure of Commentary URL
비디오 Week 11-2 Corpus and Critical Discourse, Intensive vs. Extensive Reading and developing proficiency in English URL
12. 비디오 Week 12-1 What is Corpus? Introduction about lextutor and Corpus concordance English URL
13. 비디오 Week 13-1 Prompt for Short Writing and Importance of using sources effectively URL
14. 비디오 Week 14-1 Critical Discourse Analysis URL
비디오 Week 14-2 Reading & Writing Development and Revision URL
15. 비디오 Week 15-1 Individual Study on Speech Note and Business English: information about job functions URL
비디오 Week 15-2 Using Sources Effectively and Knowing What vs. Knowing How URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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  • 1. 비디오 강의 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]

    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
