
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >화학공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
The aim of the course is to aquaint the student with the physical (thermodynamic) and chemical principles (intermolecular interactions) of self assembly of soft and hybrid materials, such as liquid crystals, polymers, dendrimers, and some of their nanocomposites in bulk and as thin films. Functionality as electronic and optical devices is discussed. Methods of structural characterization of organic and hybrid nanomaterials are described, with the emphasis on reciprocal space (diffraction) techniques. Microscopy methods are describe relatively briefly, with the emphasis on techniques using limearly and circularly polarized light.
Thermodynamics of self-assembly 3
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. Limits of lithography Overview of selected examples of organic and hybrid self-assembly, and of the methods of their characterization; milestones in miniaturization – brief history of device miniaturization by lithographic methods; Moore’s law; invention of STM.
2. Thermodynamics of self-assembly 1 Thermodynamic basis of self-assembly – classical and statistical thermodynamics of molecules, crystals, liquids, liquid crystals and polymers, order and disorder, partition function and thermodynamic functions for single-component molecular systems, phase diagrams (single component, binary, ternary), miscibility, binodal and spinodal decomposition.
3. Thermodynamics of self-assembly 2 Thermodynamic basis of self-assembly – classical and statistical thermodynamics of molecules, crystals, liquids, liquid crystals and polymers, order and disorder, partition function and thermodynamic functions for single-component molecular systems, phase diagrams (single component, binary, ternary), miscibility, binodal and spinodal decomposition.
4. 비디오 Thermodynamics of self-assembly 3 Thermodynamic basis of self-assembly – classical and statistical thermodynamics of molecules, crystals, liquids, liquid crystals and polymers, order and disorder, partition function and thermodynamic functions for single-component molecular systems, phase diagrams (single component, binary, ternary), miscibility, binodal and spinodal decomposition. URL
5. Thermodynamics of self-assembly 4 Thermodynamic basis of self-assembly – classical and statistical thermodynamics of molecules, crystals, liquids, liquid crystals and polymers, order and disorder, partition function and thermodynamic functions for single-component molecular systems, phase diagrams (single component, binary, ternary), miscibility, binodal and spinodal decomposition.
6. Intermolecular forces Interatomic and intermolecular force
7. Introduction to liquid crystals Long- and short-range order, correlation function, disordered crystals (ordered, conformationally and orientationally disordered, plastic); liquid crystal self-assembly – thermotropic and lyotropic, thermodynamic basis (partition f), structure and phase transitions,
8. Midterm Examination Midterm Examination
9. Liquid crystal displays Optical properties and optical characterization techniques - including general background on interaction of polarized light with matter: birefringence, liquid crystal textures in polarized light, curvature elasticity
10. Liquid crystal displays Optical properties and optical characterization techniques - including general background on interaction of polarized light with matter: birefringence, liquid crystal textures in polarized light, curvature elasticity
11. Helical and polymeric liquid crystals, dichroism and ellipsometry TN and STN LC displays, multiplexing, active matrix; in-plane switching and VAN; ferroel. LCD;
12. Circularly polarized light; optical activity; circular dichroism; ellipsometry; 0cholesteric liquid crystals Circularly polarized light; optical activity; circular dichroism; ellipsometry; 0cholesteric liquid crystals
13. Summary, revision, discussion Summary, revision, discussion
14. Home study Home study
15. Final examination Final examination
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(1) Self_assembly_of_wedge-shaped_molecules_review 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(2) SelfAssmb1_Lithogr_bw 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(3) SelfAssmb2_Therm 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(4) SelfAssmb4_Optics 소스URL

연관 자료


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  • 1. 비디오 강의 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]
    2. 동영상 실행 시 음성만 나오는 경우 [바로가기]
    3. 강의 자료 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]

    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
