
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >토목ㆍ도시 >해양시스템학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
Students develop a broad understanding of fluid properties that determine the design parameters of offshore petroleum production system and an in-depth knowledge of the modern methods used to predict thermodynamic and transport properties of petroleum fluids. Based on this understanding students are able to describe in detail a number of different offshore petroleum production system, including the advantages and drawbacks of each facility. They acquire an appreciation of the importance fluids-system interaction and will understand the various types of deepwater petroleum production facilities.

This unit begins with properties of natural gases and crude oils, fluid phase behavior, petroleum fluid characterization, and then moves to an introduction to offshore petroleum production system. It defines key requirements for the offshore petroleum production system, and describes methods for offshore system selection. The core lectures on subsea system embrace tree and well-head systems; subsea structure; subsea control systems and umbilical; and future subsea technology. The related disciplines needed to put a system together are described in lectures on subsea system development, system integration, and subsea field operation.

This comprises continuous assessment and an end-of-semester examination. The assignment is in the context of an industry report for the development of an oil and gas fields. A modeling project in the computer-based software is given to the class on the first day, and as the unit progresses more aspect of the fluid solution can be solved. Workshop sessions are scheduled during the lectures to facilitate general discussion on the assignment. Assessment of the project is based upon the calculation results of each student and will be made before an end-of-semester examination.
Lecture 1
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Lecture 1 General introduction, outline, goals, and definition URL
비디오 Lecture 2 URL
2. 비디오 Lecture 3 Type of reservoir fluids
: Dry gas / Wet gas / Gas condensate / Volatile oil / Black oil
비디오 Lecture 4 URL
3. 비디오 Lecture 5 PVT laboratory testing
: Constant mass expansion / Differential vaporization / Compositional analysis /
: Oil densities and viscosity / SARA, Asphaltenes, WAT
비디오 Lecture 6 URL
4. 비디오 Lecture 7 Fluid sampling
: Bottom hole samples / Drill stem test samples
5. 비디오 Lecture 8 Thermodynamics and phase behavior
: Ideal gas / Peng-Robinson (PR) / Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK)
: Peneloux liquid density correction / Mixtures / Properties calculated from EoS + molecular data
6. 비디오 Lecture 9 Piping systems and process pressure vessels
: System design / construction
비디오 Lecture 10 URL
7. 비디오 Lecture 11 Production
: Gas production / Oil production / Enhanced oil recovery
비디오 Lecture12 URL
8. 비디오 Lecture13 The well components
: Christmas tree / surface wellhead
비디오 Lecture14 URL
9. 비디오 Lecture15 Subsea structures
: Subsea control systems / umbilical / flowlines
비디오 Lecture16 URL
10. 비디오 Lecture17 Flow regime
: Horizontal and vertical flow / Stratified flow / Annular flow / Dispersed bubble flow / Slug flow
비디오 Lecture18 URL
11. 비디오 Lecture19 Flowline pressure drop
: Frictional losses / Elevation losses / Acceleration losses / Errors in ΔP calculation / Pipe wall roughness
비디오 Lecture20 URL
12. 비디오 Lecture21 Liquid hold up
: Cause / Prediction / Field & experimental data / Three phase flow
비디오 Lecture22 URL
13. 비디오 Lecture23 Field operation
: Operational procedures for offshore petroleum production
비디오 Lecture24 URL
14. 비디오 Lecture25 Application Example: Offshore platform (Pluto fields)
Application Example: Floating production system (Ichthys fields)

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