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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2010년 2학기
  • 조회수
소재의 물성과 소재를 구성하는 원자 및 분자에서의 전자구조의 상관관계를 다루고, 전자구조의 실체를 파악하는 이론적, 실험적 방법론을 가르친다.
Introduction,1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1)
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction,1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1) 1.1 Resonant tunneling URL
비디오 Introduction,1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (2) 1.1 Resonant tunneling URL
비디오 Introduction,1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (3) 1.1 Resonant tunneling URL
2. 비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1) 1.2 Persistent currents URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (2) 1.2 Persistent currents URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (3) 1.2 Persistent currents URL
3. 비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1) 1.3 Phase coherent trandport and the Landauer approach URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (2) 1.3 Phase coherent trandport and the Landauer approach URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (3) 1.3 Phase coherent trandport and the Landauer approach URL
4. 비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1) 1.4 The Thouless picture of electron localization URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (2) 1.4 The Thouless picture of electron localization URL
5. 비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1) 1.5 Scaling theory of electron localization URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (2) 1.5 Scaling theory of electron localization URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (3) 1.5 Scaling theory of electron localization URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (4) 1.5 Scaling theory of electron localization URL
6. 비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1) 1.6 The weakly localized regime URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (2) 1.6 The weakly localized regime URL
7. 비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (1) 1.7 Universal conductance fluctuations URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (2) 1.7 Universal conductance fluctuations URL
비디오 1.Phase Coherent Transport in Normal Metals (3) 1.7 Universal conductance fluctuations URL
8. 비디오 2.Coulomb Blockade of Electron Tunneling (1) 2.Coulomb Blockade of Electron Tunneling URL
비디오 2.Coulomb Blockade of Electron Tunneling (2) 2.Coulomb Blockade of Electron Tunneling URL
9. 비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity 3.1 BCS theory of superconductivity URL
10. 비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity 3.2 Mean field approximation. Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation URL
11. 비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (1) 3.3 Homogeneous superconductors. Electron and hole character of quasiparticle URL
비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (2) 3.3 Homogeneous superconductors. Electron and hole character of quasiparticle URL
12. 비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity 3.4 Quasiclassical approximation. Quasiparticle trajectories URL
13. 비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (1) 3.5 Modeling the pair potential near a microconstriction. Superconducting weak links URL
비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (2) 3.5 Modeling the pair potential near a microconstriction. Superconducting weak links URL
비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (3) 3.5 Modeling the pair potential near a microconstriction. Superconducting weak links URL
비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (4) 3.5 Modeling the pair potential near a microconstriction. Superconducting weak links URL
14. 비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity 3.6 Andreev levels and the supercurrent through a weak link URL
15. 비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (1) 3.7 Quantization of supercurrent through adiabatic point contacts URL
비디오 3.Mesosocopic Superconductivity (2) 3.7 Quantization of supercurrent through adiabatic point contacts URL
16. Final exam

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