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  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >통계학
  • 강의학기
    2022년 1학기
  • 조회수
1.1. Multivariate data analysis 1.2 Types of multivariate analysis techniques
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1.1. Multivariate data analysis 1.2 Types of multivariate analysis techniques URL
2. 비디오 1.3 Introduction and visualization of multivariate data 1.4 Matrix representation and descriptive statistics of multivariate data URL
비디오 1.4 Matrix representation and descriptive statistics of multivariate data URL
3. 비디오 1.4 Matrix representation and descriptive statistics of multivariate data 1.5 Distances and Correlation of multivariate data URL
비디오 1.6 Multivariate normal distribution and its useful property URL
4. 비디오 1.6 Multivariate normal distribution and its useful property 1.7 Wishart W-dist and Hotelling’s -dist URL
비디오 1.7 Wishart W-dist and Hotelling’s -dist 1.8 Testing multivariate normality URL
5. 비디오 2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 2.1 Comprehension of PCA URL
비디오 2.1 Comprehension of PCA URL
6. 비디오 2.1 Comprehension of PCA 2.2 Concepts of pc 2.3 Algebraic inducement of pc URL
7. 비디오 2.2 Concepts of pc 2.3 Algebraic inducement of pc 2.4 Selection and explanation of pc 2.5 Algebraic inducement of sample pc URL
8. 비디오 2.4 Selection and explanation of pc 2.5 Algebraic inducement of sample pc URL
9. 비디오 2.6 Visualizations of PCA URL
10. 비디오 3.1 Comprehension of FA 3.2 Conseptof common factor 3.3 Factor model 3.4 Estimation of factor model 3.5 Factor rotation and factor loadings plot URL
11. 비디오 3.1 Comprehension of FA 3.2 Conseptof common factor 3.3 Factor model 3.4 Estimation of factor model 3.5 Factor rotation and factor loadings plot URL
12. 비디오 5.1 Comprehension of CA 5.2 Similarity measures URL
13. 비디오 5.3 Hierarchical clustering methods URL
14. 비디오 5.3 Hierarchical clustering methods 5.4 Non-hierachical clustering methods URL
15. 비디오 5.4 Non-hierachical clustering methods 5.5 Numbers of Clusters URL

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