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    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
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Most countries face the immediate challenge of maintaining economic growth in a highly competitive global economy. While the challenge of global competition is framed at the national level, global enterprises are transforming nation states into constituent elements of a single global village in which production, marketing, collaboration and strategic alliance all move together in one organic link. With growing competition among companies and countries, rich countries are getting richer, and poor countries are getting poorer. This is a deepening phenomenon caused by the widening disparity between countries with respect to the possession of competent human resources, level of HRD investment, and degree of manpower utilization. Spurring equilibrium development of each country is not just a problem for poor countries but for all countries. Global solidarity for global prosperity with global talent can be a solution, which needs to be improved with cooperation of leading countries.

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