
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW



  • 금오공과대학교
  • 하종범(Ha, Jongbum), 김혜경(Hyekyeong Kim), 문진아(Jina Moon), 김동현(Donghyun Kim)
  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어학
  • 강의학기
    2021년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (1)
다양한 영어 지문과 연습문제 풀이를 통한 영어 읽기와 쓰기 훈련
Our Internal Clock: It's About Time
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Our Internal Clock: It's About Time Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Our Internal Clock: Its About Time Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
2. 비디오 Is It Okay to be Late? Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Is It Okay to be Late? Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
3. 비디오 Technology Competes with Family Time Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Technology Competes with Family Time Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
4. 비디오 Sign Language for Everyone Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Sign Language for Everyone Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
5. 비디오 Our kids are growing up too fast! Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Our kids are growing up too fast! Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
6. 비디오 Loneliness: How can we overcome it? Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Loneliness: How can we overcome it? Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
7. 비디오 Solving Crimes with Modern Technology Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Solving Crimes with Modern Technology Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
8. 비디오 The Reliability of Eyewitnesses Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 The Reliability of Eyewitnesses Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
9. 비디오 Innocent until Proven Guilty: The Criminal Court System Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Innocent until Proven Guilty: The Criminal Court System Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
10. 비디오 Saving Lives with New Organs Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Saving Lives with New Organs Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
11. 비디오 Objects from Space: Hits and Misses Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Objects from Space: Hits and Misses Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
12. 비디오 Medicine Today: Improving Surgery with Robotics Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL
비디오 Medicine Today: Improving Surgery with Robotics Reading, fact fidning, reading analysis, vocabulary skills, vocabulary in context, translation, word order, grammar, summary URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
go*********** 2024-04-28 15:46
다양한 주제를 통해 영어 읽기, 쓰기 그리고 듣기를 어렵지 않게 훈련할 수 있습니다. 다만 강의 음성이 너무 작거나 설명과 영어지문 음성이 겹칠 때가 있어 아쉽습니다.


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