
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    교육학 >교육일반 >평생ㆍ직업교육학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    4/5.0 (1)
1.To acquire on how to make outsanding presentation of yourself during the hiring process.

2.To provide guidance on how to navigate the recruitment & selection process.

3.To be able to apply what has been learned in this program in job search.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Orientation Orientation/Program Overview URL
문서 Orientation Orientation/Program Overview 소스URL
2. 비디오 Self-assessment Self-assessment URL
문서 Self-assessment Self-assessment 소스URL
3. 비디오 Traits of applicants highly desired by empolyes Traits of applicants highly desired by empolyes URL
문서 Traits of applicants highly desired by empolyes Traits of applicants highly desired by empolyes 소스URL
4. 비디오 Developing the right skills and attitudes Developing the right skills and attitudes URL
문서 Developing the right skills and attitudes Developing the right skills and attitudes 소스URL
5. 비디오 Using social media in job search Using social media in job search URL
문서 Using social media in job search Using social media in job search 소스URL
6. 비디오 Networking Networking URL
문서 Networking Networking 소스URL
7. 비디오 How to write a winning resume How to write a winning resume URL
문서 How to write a winning resume How to write a winning resume 소스URL
8. 비디오 Dress to impress Dress to impress URL
문서 Dress to impress Dress to impress 소스URL
9. 비디오 Things to do before the job interview Things to do before the job interview URL
문서 Things to do before the job interview Things to do before the job interview 소스URL
10. 비디오 How to answer the most common job interview How to answer the most common job interview URL
문서 How to answer the most common job interview How to answer the most common job interview 소스URL
11. 비디오 Questions Non-verbal communication Questions Non-verbal communication URL
문서 Questions Non-verbal communication Questions Non-verbal communication 소스URL
12. 비디오 Recop of the course Recop of the course URL
문서 Recop of the course Recop of the course 소스URL
문서 Recop of the course Recop of the course 소스URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
운영자2021-04-19 10:09
KOCW입니다. 문의내용을 한서대학교로 전달했습니다. 답변이 오는 대로 안내드리겠습니다.
ho****** 2021-04-18 20:40
Hello! I can't hear your Lecture No.3 . Please Re upload your Lecture No.3!


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