
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 2학기
  • 조회수
본 강좌의 목적은 학생들에게 영어 회화 능력 배양 및 자신감 함양기회 제공을 위한 것이다. 본 강좌는 학생들이 갖추어야할 4가지 영어 필수 스킬인 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기 및 말하기 로 구성되어있으며 실질적 영어의 사용을 통해 이런 능력이 배양될 것이다.
Class Introduction(1)
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Class Introduction(1) Introduction, weekly plans,, evaluation criteria, introducing yourself URL
비디오 Class Introduction(2) Introduction, weekly plans,, evaluation criteria, introducing yourself URL
비디오 Class Introduction(3) Introduction, weekly plans,, evaluation criteria, introducing yourself URL
2. 비디오 Unit 1 GETTING TO KNOW YOU(1) Being able to understand and use Wh-questions Being able to ask for information Being able to introduce yourself and others URL
비디오 Unit 1 GETTING TO KNOW YOU(2) Being able to understand and use Wh-questions Being able to ask for information Being able to introduce yourself and others URL
비디오 Unit 1 GETTING TO KNOW YOU(3) Being able to understand and use Wh-questions Being able to ask for information Being able to introduce yourself and others URL
3. 비디오 Unit 2 PLANNING THE TRIP(1) Being able to research information to prepare for your trip Being able to find some basic information about NYC on the Internet. Being able to find some basic information about NYC on the Internet. URL
비디오 Unit 2 PLANNING THE TRIP(2) Being able to research information to prepare for your trip Being able to find some basic information about NYC on the Internet. Being able to find some basic information about NYC on the Internet. URL
비디오 Unit 2 PLANNING THE TRIP(3) Being able to research information to prepare for your trip Being able to find some basic information about NYC on the Internet. Being able to find some basic information about NYC on the Internet. URL
4. 비디오 Unit 3 THE JOURNEY BEGINS(1) Being able to understand descriptive and quantitative adjectives Being able to learn how to fill out immigration form Being able to learn how to go through customs URL
비디오 Unit 3 THE JOURNEY BEGINS(2) Being able to understand descriptive and quantitative adjectives Being able to learn how to fill out immigration form Being able to learn how to go through customs URL
비디오 Unit 3 THE JOURNEY BEGINS(3) Being able to understand descriptive and quantitative adjectives Being able to learn how to fill out immigration form Being able to learn how to go through customs URL
5. 비디오 Unit 5 WHAT SHALL WE EAT?(1) Being able to discover what NY food scene has to offer Being able to learn how to order food & understand comfort food Being able to utilize adverbs of frequency and countable/uncountable nouns URL
비디오 Unit 5 WHAT SHALL WE EAT?(2) Being able to discover what NY food scene has to offer Being able to learn how to order food & understand comfort food Being able to utilize adverbs of frequency and countable/uncountable nouns URL
비디오 Unit 5 WHAT SHALL WE EAT?(3) Being able to discover what NY food scene has to offer Being able to learn how to order food & understand comfort food Being able to utilize adverbs of frequency and countable/uncountable nouns URL
6. 비디오 Unit 6 GOING SIGHTSEEING(1) Being able to learn and utilize vocabulary and expressions about going sightseeing Being able to ask how-questions involving quantity Being able to answer how-questions involving quantity URL
비디오 Unit 6 GOING SIGHTSEEING(2) Being able to learn and utilize vocabulary and expressions about going sightseeing Being able to ask how-questions involving quantity Being able to answer how-questions involving quantity URL
비디오 Unit 6 GOING SIGHTSEEING(3) Being able to learn and utilize vocabulary and expressions about going sightseeing Being able to ask how-questions involving quantity Being able to answer how-questions involving quantity URL
7. 비디오 Unit 7 LET’S GO SHOPPING(1) Being able to know how to bargain for better prices Being able to learn how to ask for different sizes Being able to utilize auxiliary verbs when you bargain for better prices and ask for different sizes URL
비디오 Unit 7 LET’S GO SHOPPING(2) Being able to know how to bargain for better prices Being able to learn how to ask for different sizes Being able to utilize auxiliary verbs when you bargain for better prices and ask for different sizes URL
비디오 Unit 7 LET’S GO SHOPPING(3) Being able to know how to bargain for better prices Being able to learn how to ask for different sizes Being able to utilize auxiliary verbs when you bargain for better prices and ask for different sizes URL
8. 비디오 Unit 8 MAKING NEW FRIENDS(1) Being able to introduce you to many new faces Being able to learn & use expressions about how to become friends with one Being able to learn comparative and superative adjectives URL
비디오 Unit 8 MAKING NEW FRIENDS(2) Being able to introduce you to many new faces Being able to learn & use expressions about how to become friends with one Being able to learn comparative and superative adjectives URL
비디오 Unit 8 MAKING NEW FRIENDS(3) Being able to introduce you to many new faces Being able to learn & use expressions about how to become friends with one Being able to learn comparative and superative adjectives URL
9. 비디오 Unit 9 A BEATUTIFUL DAY FOR A DAY TRIP(1) Being able to learn exprssions about a beautiful day for a day trip Being able to learn conjunctions URL
비디오 Unit 9 A BEATUTIFUL DAY FOR A DAY TRIP(2) Being able to learn exprssions about a beautiful day for a day trip Being able to learn conjunctions URL
비디오 Unit 9 A BEATUTIFUL DAY FOR A DAY TRIP(3) Being able to learn exprssions about a beautiful day for a day trip Being able to learn conjunctions URL
10. 비디오 Unit 10 EMBRACING DIVERSITY(1) Being able to learn exprssions about embracing diversity Being able to learn adverbs URL
비디오 Unit 10 EMBRACING DIVERSITY(2) Being able to learn exprssions about embracing diversity Being able to learn adverbs URL
비디오 Unit 10 EMBRACING DIVERSITY(3) Being able to learn exprssions about embracing diversity Being able to learn adverbs URL
11. 비디오 Unit 11 PRECIOUS MEMORIES(1) Being able to learn exprssions about precious memories Being able to learn simple past tenses URL
비디오 Unit 11 PRECIOUS MEMORIES(2) Being able to learn exprssions about precious memories Being able to learn simple past tenses URL
비디오 Unit 11 PRECIOUS MEMORIES(3) Being able to learn exprssions about precious memories Being able to learn simple past tenses URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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  • 동영상 유형 강의 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]

    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
