
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >정보통신공학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (1)
This is the introductory computer programming course intended primarily for students with a major in computer science or computer engineering. It uses the C language, and prepares the student for more advanced work in computer science or engineering courses.
Revisit C programming : Structures
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Revisit C programming : Structures Structure and pointer, Function, Typedef URL
2. 비디오 Class and Object Making class and generating object in C++ programming URL
비디오 Class and Object Delete object(destructor), Access specifier, Inline function, Structures in C++ programming URL
3. 비디오 Object Pointers and Arrays Learn about object pointers and Arrays URL
비디오 Object Pointers and Arrays Dynamic memory allocation in C++ URL
4. 비디오 Object Pointers and Arrays this pointer, string, Summary and key problems URL
비디오 Functions in C++ Making functions and referecing it in C++ programming URL
5. 비디오 Functions in C++ Reference in Functions, call by reference, Return of Reference URL
비디오 Object in Dynamic Alloc. What is the class and object? URL
6. 비디오 Copy constructors shallocw and deep copy, cons and pros of copy URL
비디오 Review and practice Implement four examples completely URL
7. 비디오 Function Overloading Properties of function overloading, Default Parameters URL
비디오 Static Member Make a function simple, properties of static member URL
8. 비디오 Friend Basic syntax, Use of Friend, Application of Friend URL
비디오 Inheritance class Inheritance, Inheritance and Pointers URL
9. 비디오 Inheritance Member initialization and inheritance of private, protected, and public URL
비디오 MFC Introduction Microsoft foundation class, properties of MPC, Make a MFC project URL
10. 비디오 Virtual Method and Virtual Class Virtual destructor URL
비디오 Template Concept of template, Template-properties URL
11. 비디오 Template Rank: Overloading > Template, Generic class URL
비디오 Template STL : standard template library URL
12. 비디오 How to write a good code? significant distinction between, process of coding vs. product of coding URL

연관 자료


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