
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


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    교육학 >교육일반 >기타
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In this lesson, students examine segregation in 1930's America by role-playing characters from Mildred D. Taylor's book 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry'. The book charts the life of a young Black girl, Cassie, growing up in Mississippi in the 1930's. By examining the language and social context of Mildred D. Taylor's book 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry', teacher Tracey Marquis encourages the students to enter the world of the young characters in the book. Students pick a character and track them through the story, gathering evidence about them and their behaviour. They then invent scenarios for their characters and imagine how they would resolve the conflicts and moral dilemmas that might face--both the Black and the White characters living through segregation in America during the 1930's.

Video Series: Great Lesson Ideas
Release Date 2010

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