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    인문과학 >인문과학기타 >철학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 1학기
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<교재> Anthony Kenny, A Brie History of Western Philosophy (Blackwell, 1998), Selections from important philosophical texts (selected and prepared by the teacher)

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Course Introduction Course Introduction URL
2. 비디오 What is philosophy? 1. what is philosophy 2. roundabout way of explaining philosophy 3. Peculiar features of philosophical questions URL
3. 비디오 What is philosophy? Peculiar features of philosophical questions URL
4. 비디오 The beginning of philosophy 1. Thales 2. What maeks Thales a philosopher? 3. Anaximander URL
5. 비디오 The beginning of philosophy 1. The indefinite 2. The lesson from Thales and Anaximander 3. A few remarks on 'Criticism', 'Dehate' and 'Argument' 4. Dialectical process of inquiry URL
6. 비디오 Socrates and sophists 1. Sophists 2. Athenian democracy and the importance of rhetoric 3. Protagoras the first humanist URL
7. 비디오 Socrates and sophists 1. Relativism 2. Cultural relativism 3. Relativism and Tolerance URL
8. 비디오 Socratic methods 1. Relativism and Tolerance 2. Socrates' life 3. How do we evaluate Socrates? URL
9. 비디오 Socratic methods 1. Socrates' life 2. How do we evaluate Socrates? 3. Difference between Socrates and Sophists URL
10. 비디오 What is justice? Plato's republic 1. Socratic aversion to writing 2. Plato's writings' dual quality: the fun of reading Plato 3. Analysis of Euthyphro URL
11. 비디오 What is justice? Plato's republic 1. Analysis of Euthyphro 2. Analysis of 10d-11b 3. How to understand the point of Socrates' question 4. Rationality of gods URL
12. 비디오 What is justice? Plato's republic 1. Rationality of gods 2. Divine command theory 3. The euthyphro dilema 4. Futher implications of Soc's critique of DCT URL
13. 비디오 What is justice? Plato's republic 1. The republic 2. Cephalus URL
14. 비디오 What is justice? Plato's republic 1. Cephalus 2. Polemarchus 3. Socrates' critique URL
15. 비디오 What is justice? Plato's republic Socrates' critique URL
비디오 What is justice? Plato's republic 1. Reflections on Cephalus and Polemarchus 2. Thrasymachus 3. New beginning URL
비디오 Is there God? St. Anselm's ontological argument 1. Various kinds of arguments for God's existence 2. Anselm's ontological argument 3. Analysis of Anselm's argument URL
비디오 Is there God? St. Anselm's ontological argument 1. Analysis of Anselm's argument 2. Kant's first objection: Existential sentences are synthetic 3. Kant's second objection: Existence is not predicate URL
비디오 Is there God? St. Anselm's ontological argument 1. Conceptual preparation 2. Existence as a second order prediate 3. Kant's second objection: Existence is not a predicate 4. Arguments against God's existence URL
비디오 Faith and reason, Pascal's wager 1. Pascal 2. Pascal's wager 3. Conceptual preparations 4. Argument from superdominance URL
비디오 Faith and reason, Pascal's wager 1. Argument from superdominance 2. Argument from expectations 3. Argument from dominating expectations URL
비디오 The beginning of modern consciousness, Descartes' Meditations 1. Modern philosophy-the epistemological turn 2. Rationalism vs Empiricism 3. Descartes URL
비디오 The beginning of modern consciousness, Descartes' Meditations 1. Cogito ergo sum 2. Cartesian Dualism 3. Dualism vs Monism URL
비디오 The problem of causation, Hume's inquiry 1. David Hume 2. Hume on induction URL
비디오 The problem of causation, Hume's inquiry 1. Hume on induction 2. Paradox of Induction-Raven Paradox URL
비디오 The problem of egoism 1. Altruism 2. Critiques of psychological egoism URL

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