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  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >사회복지학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 1학기
  • 조회수
<교재 및 출처>

황성철, 정무성, 강철희, 최재성. (2014). 사회복지행정론, 학현사

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Management in the Human Services introduction, social work management, the impormance of management, management areas of contribution URL
2. 비디오 Management in the Human Services management practice in a human services context, future of service organization, definition of social work URL
비디오 The Nature of Human Service Organizations consept and the enigma of human service organization, human services as the moral/gendered work URL
3. 비디오 학생 프리젠테이션 URL
4. 비디오 Organizational Theory and Human Services Administration Classifying the organization theory, administrative tasks URL
5. 비디오 Leadership/Management Theories and Concepts Leadership defined, the context: Leadership, organizational dynamics, and performance, Leadership theories and models, Current theories, Leadership and organazational culture change, Change leadership, Diversity and ethics issues in leadership URL
6. 비디오 Leadership/Management Theories and Concepts II leadership theories and models, current theories, the role of the nonprofit manager, managerial skills in the organization hierarchy, competing values framework, URL
7. 비디오 managing planned change strategic management planning and managing strategically, logic and methodology, strategic change portfolio process, clarification of values and vision, external environmental scanning, internal environmental scanning, identification and selection of strategic issues, design applications, boards and budgets, managing the planning process, defining strategic planning, the key elements of strategic planning, steps in strategic planning, strategic plan implementation URL
8. 비디오 management in the human services, organizational theory and human services administration, lerdership/management theories and concepts social work management, management-areas of contribution,administraion defined: functions and roles,management practice in a human services context, the nature of human service organizations, the enigma of human service organizations, classification of organizational theories, leadership theories and models, logic and methodology, strategic change portfolio process, strategic change portfolio process- external enviromantal scanning, strategic management process, contingency theory, population ecology, competing values framework leadership roles, leadership theories and models ,competing values framework, the nature of human service organizations, people as “raw material”, human service as gendered work, the primacy of the institutional environment, human service technologies as enactment of practice ideologies, the centrality of client-worker relations, human service technologies as enactment of practice ideologies URL
9. 비디오 Governance and Performance of Social Enterprises in South Korea A Mixed-Method Approach URL
10. 비디오 Agency-Environment Relations Organizational Development and Inovation Edwards&Yankey(2006):chapter 6 Managing Public Policy Advocacy and Government Relations URL
11. 비디오 Diversity, Inclusion and Job Performance for Korean Employees Background : Theory and Literature Review URL
12. 비디오 Human Resource Management Domain of HR Management,HR process URL
13. 비디오 human resource management detailed lecture on HR Process (performance appraisals, employee seperations) URL
14. 비디오 multilateral understanding of nonprofit organization Social Psychological Perspectives of Workforce Diversity and Inclusion in National and Global Contexts, managing the finanaces of nonprofit organizations, agency-environmetn relations organizational development and innovation URL
15. 비디오 refugee to artist story of woman who forced migration from DR Congo to South Korea as a refugee because persecuted of the political reason URL

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