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  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    2/5.0 (3)
This course introduces the background and the beginnings of English literature and a chronological genre surbey of English literature with reference to major authors.
Introduction to calss
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차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction to calss British history regrarding British monarchs URL
비디오 Old English Literature Caedon's Hymn, Beowulf(make-up class will be on Friday or Saturday) URL
비디오 Middle English Literature Jeffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales URL
2. 비디오 Elizabethan Poerty and Prose William Shakespeare, Sonnets URL
비디오 Elizabethan Poerty and Prose William Shakespeare, Sonnets URL
비디오 Elizabethan Poerty and Prose William Shakespeare, Sonnets URL
3. 비디오 Elizabethan Drama William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice URL
4. 비디오 Elizabethan Drama William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice URL
5. 비디오 Elizabethan Drama William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice URL
6. 비디오 Elizabethan Drama William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice URL
7. 비디오 Elizabethan Drama William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice URL
8. 비디오 Metaphysical Poerty John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell URL
9. 비디오 Metaphysical Poerty John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell URL
10. 비디오 Metaphysical Poerty John Donne, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell URL
11. 비디오 Eighteenth-century Prose and Poerty Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, The Rape o the Lock URL
12. 비디오 Eighteenth-century Prose and Poerty Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, The Rape o the Lock URL
비디오 Eighteenth-century Prose and Poerty Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, The Rape o the Lock URL
13. 비디오 Eighteenth-century Prose and Poerty Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, The Rape o the Lock URL
14. 비디오 Sentimental Poerty(Thomas Gray), William Blake, Political Rebolution and Pamphlet War Poerty (Thomas Gray), William Blake, Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Thomas Paine, William Godwin URL
15. 비디오 Sentimental Poerty(Thomas Gray), William Blake, Political Rebolution and Pamphlet War Poerty (Thomas Gray), William Blake, Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Thomas Paine, William Godwin URL
비디오 1st Generation British Romantic Poetry William Wordsworth (Lyrical ballads 1798,1800,1802), Samuel Taylor Coleridge("The Rime of Ancient Mariner," Bioghraphia Literaris, "Kubla Khan") URL
비디오 1st Generation British Romantic Poetry William Wordsworth (Lyrical ballads 1798,1800,1802), Samuel Taylor Coleridge("The Rime of Ancient Mariner," Bioghraphia Literaris, "Kubla Khan") URL
비디오 1st Generation British Romantic Poetry William Wordsworth (Lyrical ballads 1798,1800,1802), Samuel Taylor Coleridge("The Rime of Ancient Mariner," Bioghraphia Literaris, "Kubla Khan") URL
비디오 2nd Generation British Romantic Poerty John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron URL
비디오 2nd Generation British Romantic Poerty John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron URL
비디오 2nd Generation British Romantic Poerty John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron URL
비디오 Novel in the Romantix Period Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Emma/ Mary Shelley, Frankenstein URL
비디오 Novel in the Romantix Period Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Emma/ Mary Shelley, Frankenstein URL
비디오 Novel in the Romantix Period Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Emma/ Mary Shelley, Frankenstein URL
비디오 Poerty in the Vixtorian Period: Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning URL
비디오 Poerty in the Vixtorian Period: Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning URL
비디오 Poerty in the Vixtorian Period: Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning URL
비디오 W.B.Yeats("Sailing to Byzantium,""Byzantium.""Leda and Swan.""Lapis Lazuli")T.S.Eliot("Love son o J.Alfred Prufrock."The Waste Land, James Joyce(Dubliners) W.B.Yeats("Sailing to Byzantium,""Byzantium.""Leda and Swan.""Lapis Lazuli")T.S.Eliot("Love son o J.Alfred Prufrock."The Waste Land, James Joyce(Dubliners) URL
비디오 W.B.Yeats("Sailing to Byzantium,""Byzantium.""Leda and Swan.""Lapis Lazuli")T.S.Eliot("Love son o J.Alfred Prufrock."The Waste Land, James Joyce(Dubliners) W.B.Yeats("Sailing to Byzantium,""Byzantium.""Leda and Swan.""Lapis Lazuli")T.S.Eliot("Love son o J.Alfred Prufrock."The Waste Land, James Joyce(Dubliners) URL
비디오 W.B.Yeats("Sailing to Byzantium,""Byzantium.""Leda and Swan.""Lapis Lazuli")T.S.Eliot("Love son o J.Alfred Prufrock."The Waste Land, James Joyce(Dubliners) W.B.Yeats("Sailing to Byzantium,""Byzantium.""Leda and Swan.""Lapis Lazuli")T.S.Eliot("Love son o J.Alfred Prufrock."The Waste Land, James Joyce(Dubliners) URL

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