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  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >공업화학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (2)
Understanding of fundamental properties of materials using basic laws of unit operation,

thermodynamics and reaction engineering such as thermodynamic laws, phase equilibrium,

chemical equilibrium, surface thermodynamic and reaction kinetics.
Introduction and Molecules in motion 1
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction and Molecules in motion 1 The kinetic model of gases URL
비디오 Introduction and Molecules in motion 1 The kinetic model of gases URL
비디오 Introduction and Molecules in motion 1 The kinetic model of gases URL
문서 Introduction and Molecules in motion 1 1.1-1.3 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Introduction and Molecules in motion 1 The kinetic model of gases URL
비디오 Introduction and Molecules in motion 1 The kinetic model of gases URL
문서 Introduction and Molecules in motion 1 1.3-1.5 강의자료 소스URL
2. 비디오 Molecules in motion 2 1. Collision, effusion and trasport 2. Conductivities of electrolyte solutions 3. The mobilities of ions URL
비디오 Molecules in motion 2 1. Collision, effusion and trasport 2. Conductivities of electrolyte solutions 3. The mobilities of ions URL
문서 Molecules in motion 2 2.1-2.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Molecules in motion 2 1. Collision, effusion and trasport 2. Conductivities of electrolyte solutions 3. The mobilities of ions URL
비디오 Molecules in motion 2 1. Collision, effusion and trasport 2. Conductivities of electrolyte solutions 3. The mobilities of ions URL
비디오 Molecules in motion 2 1. Collision, effusion and trasport 2. Conductivities of electrolyte solutions 3. The mobilities of ions URL
문서 Molecules in motion 2 2-3-2.5 강의자료 소스URL
3. 비디오 Molecules in motion 3 1. Diffusion: thermodynamic and statistical view 2. Diffusion equation URL
문서 Molecules in motion 3 3.1 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Molecules in motion 3 1. Diffusion: thermodynamic and statistical view 2. Diffusion equation URL
비디오 Molecules in motion 3 1. Diffusion: thermodynamic and statistical view 2. Diffusion equation URL
비디오 Molecules in motion 3 1. Diffusion: thermodynamic and statistical view 2. Diffusion equation URL
문서 Molecules in motion 3 3.2-3.4 강의자료 소스URL
4. 비디오 The rates of chemical reactions 1. rate law and rate constant 2. reaction order URL
비디오 The rates of chemical reactions 1. rate law and rate constant 2. reaction order URL
문서 The rates of chemical reactions 4.1-4.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 The rates of chemical reactions 1. rate law and rate constant 2. reaction order URL
문서 The rates of chemical reactions 4.3 강의자료 소스URL
5. 비디오 The rates of chemical reactions 2 1. Elementary reactions and consecutive reactions 2. Unimolecular reactions URL
비디오 The rates of chemical reactions 2 1. Elementary reactions and consecutive reactions 2. Unimolecular reactions URL
문서 The rates of chemical reactions 2 5.1-5.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 The rates of chemical reactions 2 1. Elementary reactions and consecutive reactions 2. Unimolecular reactions URL
비디오 The rates of chemical reactions 2 1. Elementary reactions and consecutive reactions 2. Unimolecular reactions URL
문서 The rates of chemical reactions 2 5.3-5.4 강의자료 소스URL
6. 비디오 The kinetics of complex reactions 1 1. Chain reactions 2. Polymerization kinetics 3. Homogeneous catalysis URL
비디오 The kinetics of complex reactions 1 1. Chain reactions 2. Polymerization kinetics 3. Homogeneous catalysis URL
문서 The kinetics of complex reactions 1 6.1-6.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 The kinetics of complex reactions 1 1. Chain reactions 2. Polymerization kinetics 3. Homogeneous catalysis URL
문서 The kinetics of complex reactions 1 6.3 강의자료 소스URL
7. 비디오 The kinetics of complex reactions 2 Photochemistry URL
비디오 The kinetics of complex reactions 2 Photochemistry URL
문서 The kinetics of complex reactions 2 7.1-7.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 The kinetics of complex reactions 2 Photochemistry URL
비디오 The kinetics of complex reactions 2 Photochemistry URL
문서 The kinetics of complex reactions 2 7.3-7.4 강의자료 소스URL
8. 비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Collision theory 2. Diffusion-controlled reactions 3. The material balance equation URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Collision theory 2. Diffusion-controlled reactions 3. The material balance equation URL
문서 Molecular reaction dynamics 8.1-8.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Collision theory 2. Diffusion-controlled reactions 3. The material balance equation URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Collision theory 2. Diffusion-controlled reactions 3. The material balance equation URL
문서 Molecular reaction dynamics 8.3-8.4 강의자료 소스URL
9. 비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Transition state theory 2. Electron transfer in homogeneous system URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Transition state theory 2. Electron transfer in homogeneous system URL
문서 Molecular reaction dynamics 9.1-9.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Transition state theory 2. Electron transfer in homogeneous system URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Transition state theory 2. Electron transfer in homogeneous system URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Transition state theory 2. Electron transfer in homogeneous system URL
비디오 Molecular reaction dynamics 1. Transition state theory 2. Electron transfer in homogeneous system URL
문서 Molecular reaction dynamics 9.3-9.6 강의자료 소스URL
10. 비디오 Processes at solid surfaces Growth and structure of solid surface URL
문서 Processes at solid surfaces 10.1 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Processes at solid surfaces Growth and structure of solid surface URL
비디오 Processes at solid surfaces Growth and structure of solid surface URL
문서 Processes at solid surfaces 10.2-10.3 강의자료 소스URL
11. 비디오 Processes at solid surfaces 1. Adsorption and desorption 2. Heterogeneous catalysis URL
비디오 Processes at solid surfaces 1. Adsorption and desorption 2. Heterogeneous catalysis URL
문서 Processes at solid surfaces 11.1-11.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Processes at solid surfaces 1. Adsorption and desorption 2. Heterogeneous catalysis URL
문서 Processes at solid surfaces 11.3 강의자료 소스URL
12. 비디오 Processes at solid surfaces Processes at electrodes URL
비디오 Processes at solid surfaces Processes at electrodes URL
문서 Processes at solid surfaces 12.1-12.2 강의자료 소스URL
비디오 Processes at solid surfaces Processes at electrodes URL
비디오 Processes at solid surfaces Processes at electrodes URL
문서 Processes at solid surfaces 12.3-12.4 강의자료 소스URL

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