
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    예술ㆍ체육 >무용ㆍ체육 >스포츠의학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 2학기
  • 조회수
Sports are by far one of the most common passions among college students and adults (Wrzesniewski, Rozin, & Bennett, 2003). For some, sports give pleasure, meaning, and a sense of purpose in life. Sports provide ample opportunities for psychologists to test and validate positive interventions. Long before Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000) called for psychologists to go beyond the disease model (Maddux, 2002), scholars and practitioners in the understanding the psychological factors critical to their peak performances (e.g., Gould, Eklund, & Jackson, 1992; Jackson & Roberts, 1992; Orlick, 1986, 1990; Ravizza, 1977). The purpose of this course is to explore possible intersections between the two fields and promote future collaborations to provide integrated training and professional development. Specifically, this course examines psychological theories and research related to sport and exercise behavior within the lens of positive psychology. Furthermore, we will be discussing topics stemmed from positive psychology as it relates to athletic excellence. Ultimately, our focus will be placed on bridging how to achieve peak performance (i.e., athletic excellence) and how to excel in life (i.e., human flourishing).

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Orientation Introducing the class, learning objectives ? winning, fun, development URL
2. 비디오 Introduction to Sport Psychology Introduction to Sport & Exercise Psychology and Positive Psychology URL
3. 비디오 Personality Personality and sport/optimism ? Is your glass half empty of half full? URL
4. 비디오 Personality and sport/optimism Personality and sport/optimism ? Is your glass half empty of half full? URL
5. 비디오 Motivation Motivation What happens when you do what you love to do? URL
6. 비디오 Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety Positive Emotion ? What makes us happy? URL
7. 비디오 Group Dynamics and Cohesion Group Dynamics and Cohesion URL
8. 비디오 Group And Team Dynamics Group And Team Dynamics URL
9. 비디오 Cohesion In Sport Cohesion In Sport URL
10. 비디오 Leadership In Sport Leadership and Followership URL
11. 비디오 Imagery A Tool Box for Excellence Part 1: Goal Setting & Imagery URL
12. 비디오 Goal Setting In Sport Goal Setting In Sport URL

연관 자료


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    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
