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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >통계학
  • 강의학기
    2022년 1학기
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딥러닝 기초를 강의합니다. Tensorflow 와 keras 를 학습합니다. 기본적인 딥러닝 개념들 학습 후, 간단한 computer vision, timeseries, text 분석방법에 대해 공부해 봅니다. François Chollet 의 Deep Learning with Python 2판을 사용합니다.
Introduction to github, Markdown, Jupyter notebook
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction to github, Markdown, Jupyter notebook Introduction to colab and github URL
비디오 Introduction to github, Markdown, Jupyter notebook Intro to Markdown URL
비디오 Ch1 What is deep learning Key factors behind deep learning’s rising popularity and future potential URL
2. 비디오 Ch2 The mathematical building blocks of neural networks (1) A first example of a neural network URL
비디오 Ch2 The mathematical building blocks of neural networks (2) Tensors and tensor operations URL
3. 비디오 Ch2 The mathematical building blocks of neural networks (3) How neural networks learn via backpropagation and gradient descent URL
비디오 Ch3 Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow A closer look at TensorFlow, Keras, and their relationship URL
4. 비디오 Ch4 Getting started with neural networks: Classification and regression first examples of real-world machine learning workflows - classification and regression examples URL
5. 비디오 Ch5 Fundamentals of machine learning Understanding the tension between generalization and optimization, the fundamental issue in machine learning URL
비디오 Ch6 The universal workflowof machine learning Steps fframing a machine learning problem, Steps fdeveloping a working model URL
6. 비디오 Ch7 Working with Keras: A deep dive Creating Keras models, Using built-in Keras training and evaluation loops, Using Keras callbacks URL
7. 비디오 Ch8 Introduction to deep learning for computer vision Understanding convolutional neural networks, Using data augmentation, Using a pretrained convnet, Fine-tuning a pretrained convnet URL
8. 비디오 Ch9 Advanced deep learning for computer vision (1) The different branches of computer vision, Modern convnet architecture patterns URL
9. 비디오 Ch9 Advanced deep learning for computer vision (2) Techniques for visualizing and interpreting what convnets learn URL
비디오 Ch10 Deep learning for timeseries Examples of machine learning tasks that involve timeseries data, Understanding recurrent neural networks, Advanced RNN URL
10. 비디오 Ch11 Deep learning for text (1) Preprocessing text data for machine learning applications, Bag-of-words approaches and sequence-modeling approaches for text processing URL
11. 비디오 Ch11 Deep learning for text (2) The Transformer architecture, Sequence-to-sequence learning URL
12. 비디오 Ch12 Generative deep learning text generation, deep dream URL

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