
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경제학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course introduces economic principles and analytical methods, and uses them to examine current economic events. Participants will study how markets work, what gets produced and how it is distributed among members of the society. Also, participants will discuss market mechanisms, the determination of prices and wages, and the role of government when market mechanisms fail.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Ten basic princples of economic decision making 1. society and scarce resources
2. ten principles
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비디오 economic models 1. the circular-flow diagram
2. the production possibilities frontier
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2. 비디오 interdependence & the gains from trade 1. production possibilities frontier of farmers
2. production possibilites frontier of ranchers
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비디오 markets & competition 1. competitive market
2. perfect competition and imperfect competition
3. conception of demand and the demand curve
4. conception of supply and the supply curve
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3. 비디오 elasticity 1. price elasticity of demand & its determinants
2. various elasticities
3. price elasticity of supply & its determinants
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4. 비디오 supply, demand & government policies 1. forms of regulation of markets
2. controls on prices
3. taxes
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비디오 consumers, producers & efficiency 1. consumer surplus
2. producer surplus
3. market efficiency
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5. 비디오 costs of taxation 1. concept of deadweight loss
2. deadweight loss and tax revenue as taxes vary
3. the governments problem
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비디오 application : international trade 1. gains of an exporting country
2. gains of an importing country
3. winners and losers from trade
4. the effects of a tariff
5. the effects of an import quota
6. pros and cons of international trade
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6. 비디오 externalities & inefficiency 1. negative externalities
2. positive externalities
3. private solutions to externalities
4. the coase theorem
5. public policies toward externalities
6. command-and-control policies: regulation
7. market-based policy
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비디오 public goods & common resources 1. the different kinds of goods
2. the free-rider problem
3. cost-benefit analysis
4. tragedy of the commons
5. the importance of property rights
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7. 비디오 the costs of production 1. total revenue, total cost, and profit
2. economic profit and accounting profit
3. production and costs
4. costs in short run & long run
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비디오 firms in competitive markets 1. characteristics of the perfectly competitive market
2. profit maximization & the competitive firms supply curve
3. firms short-run decision to shut down
4. firms long-run decision to exit/enter market
5. a shift in demand in the short run & long run
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8. 비디오 monopoly 1. difference between monopoly market and competitive market
2. deadweight loss caused by a monopoly
3. public policy toward monopolies
4. regulation of natural monopolies
5. price discrimination
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9. 비디오 oligopoly 1. characteristics of oligopoly market
2. how do oligopolists compete?
3. a duopoly example
4. game theory and prisoners dilemma
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비디오 monopolistic competition 1. characteristics of monopolistic competition
2. monopolistic competition in the short run
3. monopolistic competition in the long run
4. monopolistic competition & welfare
5. advertising
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10. 비디오 markets for factors of production 1. concept of factor of production
2. input demand and output supply
3. the supply of labor
4. productivity and wage growth in the US and Korea
5. monopsony employer
6. equilibrium in markets for land and capital
7. linkages among factors of production
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비디오 measuring a nations income 1. the components of GDP
2. real GDP and nominal GDP
3. The GDP Deflator
4. GDP and economic well-being
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11. 비디오 measuring the cost of living 1. price indexes
2. how the consumer price index is calculated
3. problems in measuring the cost of living
4. CPI and GDP deflator
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12. 비디오 production and growth 1. how productivity is determined
2. the production function
3. economic growth and public policy
4. population growth
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비디오 saving and investment 1. saving
2. the market for loanable funds
3. saving incentives
4. investment incentives
5. government budget deficit and crowding out
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13. 비디오 unemployment 1. various kinds of unemployment
2. how to calculate the unemployment rate
3. limitation of the unemployment rate
4. job search
5. structural unemployment
6. labor as monopoly and monopsony
7. the theory of efficiency wages
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14. 비디오 money supply 1. various definitions of money supply
2. money creation, fractional-reserve banking
3. the money multiplier
4. The Feds tools of monetary control
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비디오 money growth and inflation 1. money supply, demand & equilibrium
2. the effects of a monetary injection
3. the classical dichotomy and monetary neutrality
4. velocity and the quantity equation
5. the costs of inflation
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15. 비디오 aggregate demand and aggregate supply 1. short-run economic fluctuations
2. the aggregate demand curve
3. the aggregate supply curve
4. long-run growth and inflation
5. a contraction in aggregate demand
6. the long-run equilibrium
7. an adverse shift in aggregate supply
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