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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 2학기
  • 조회수
Specific topics this course covers are as follows:

1. Newton’s Laws of motion.

2. Conservative Force and Potential Energy

3. Oscillations

4. Electrostatics and Gravitation

5. Euler-Lagrange equation, an Alternative way.

6. Calculus of Variation

7. Generalized coordinates

8. Hmiltonian Mechanics
Newtons Law of Motion 1
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Newtons Law of Motion 1 Introduction to Physics, Newtons Law of Motion URL
비디오 Newtons Law of Motion 2 Frame of Reference, Rotational version of Newtons Laws URL
문서 Newton's Law of Motion (강의자료) Newton's Law of Motion 소스URL
2. 비디오 Conservative force and potential energy 1 Work, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservative force, total mechanical energy URL
문서 Conservative force and potential energy (강의자료) Work, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservative force, total mechanical energy 소스URL
3. 비디오 Oscillations - simple harmonic oscillator 1 Simple harmonic oscillator URL
비디오 Oscillations - simple harmonic oscillator 2 Review on simple harmonic oscillator URL
문서 Oscillations - simple harmonic oscillator (강의자료) Simple harmonic oscillator 소스URL
4. 비디오 Oscillations - Phase diagram 1 Phase diagram URL
비디오 Oscillations - Phase diagram 2 Solution of Problems 3.6 URL
5. 비디오 Driven oscillation Driven oscillation URL
6. 비디오 Theta function and delta function(distribution) forces 1 Theta function and delta function(distribution) forces URL
비디오 Theta function and delta function(distribution) forces 2 Solution of 3.5.3 Exercise 1 URL
비디오 Theta function and delta function(distribution) forces (강의자료) Replacement of theta function by delta function URL
7. 비디오 Basic properties of electric charge 1 Basic properties of electric charge URL
문서 Basic properties of electric charge (강의자료) Basic properties of electric charge 소스URL
8. 비디오 Coulombs law and Newtons law of gravity Coulombs law and Newtons law of gravity URL
9. 비디오 Electric and gravitational Field - scalar field and vector field Electric and gravitational Field - scalar field and vector field URL
10. 비디오 Gauss law and inverse square law 1 Gauss law and inverse square law - 1 URL
비디오 Gauss law and inverse square law 2 Gauss law and inverse square law - 2 URL
비디오 Gauss law and inverse square law 3 Gauss law and inverse square law - 3 URL
11. 비디오 Electric and gravitational potential 1 Electric and gravitational potential 1 - calculation of potential URL
비디오 Electric and gravitational potential 2 Electric and gravitational potential 2 URL
비디오 Electric and gravitational potential 3 Electric and gravitational potential 3 - comparison of electric and gravitational forces URL
12. 비디오 Potential due to an electric dipole 1 Potential due to an electric dipole - dipole contribution URL
12. 비디오 Potential due to an electric dipole 2 Potential due to an electric dipole URL
비디오 Potential due to an electric dipole 3 Shell theorem URL
13. 비디오 Euler-Lagrange equation - an alternative way 1 Definition of Lagrangian URL
비디오 Euler-Lagrange equation - an alternative way 2 Proof of equation of motion by Euler-Lagrange equation URL
문서 Euler-Lagrange equation - an alternative way (강의자료) Euler-Lagrange equation - an alternative way 소스URL
14. 비디오 Toward calculation of variation 1 Toward calculation of variation - 1 URL
비디오 Toward calculation of variation 2 Toward calculation of variation - 2 URL
비디오 Toward calculation of variation 3 Toward calculation of variation - 3 URL
15. 비디오 Extension to three dimesions 1 Extension to three dimesions URL
비디오 Extension to three dimesions 2 Second form of Euler-Lagrange equation URL
16. 비디오 Calculus of variation 1 Calculus of variation URL
비디오 Calculus of variation 2 Example of variation calculation URL
문서 Calculus of variation (강의자료) Calculus of variation 소스URL
17. 비디오 Fermats principle and Snells law Fermats principle and Snells law URL
18. 비디오 Constraints and Lagranges undetermined multiplier 1 Constraints and Lagranges undetermined multiplier URL
비디오 Constraints and Lagranges undetermined multiplier 2 Case I. Substitute in advance and Case II. Lagranges Undetermined multiplier URL
비디오 Constraints and Lagranges undetermined multiplier 3 Case III. two variables URL
비디오 Constraints and Lagranges undetermined multiplier 4 Case IV. five variables URL
19. 비디오 Generalized Coordinates 1 Inertial cartesian coordinate system URL
비디오 Generalized Coordinates 2 Time-independent rotation URL
비디오 Generalized Coordinates 3 Fixed curvilinear coordinate system -1 URL
비디오 Generalized Coordinates 4 Fixed curvilinear coordinate system -2 URL
비디오 Generalized Coordinates 5 Generalized coordinates for a two-body system URL
비디오 Generalized Coordinates 6 Time-dependent potential URL
문서 Generalized Coordinates (강의자료) Generalized Coordinates 소스URL
20. 비디오 Hamiltonian Mechanics 1 Legendre transformation URL
비디오 Hamiltonian Mechanics 2 EOM(Equation of Motion) in terms of Hamiltonian URL
비디오 Hamiltonian Mechanics 3 Canonical EOM(Equation of Motion) URL
비디오 Hamiltonian Mechanics 4 Modified Hamiltons principle URL
비디오 Hamiltonian Mechanics 5 Constants of motion URL
문서 Hamiltonian Mechanics (강의자료) Hamiltonian Mechanics 소스URL
21. 비디오 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 1 Basic concepts - definitions URL
문서 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 2 (강의자료) Basic concepts - definitions 소스URL
비디오 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 3 Vector differentiation - ordinary derivative, partial derivative, gradient, divergence and curl operators URL
문서 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 4 (강의자료) Vector differentiation - ordinary derivative, partial derivative, gradient, divergence and curl operators 소스URL
비디오 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 5 Exercise solution URL
비디오 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 6 Vector integration - basic integrals, divergence theorem, stokes theoremv URL
문서 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 7 (강의자료) Vector integration - basic integrals, divergence theorem, stokes' theoremv 소스URL
비디오 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 8 Proof of divergence theorem URL
비디오 Vector Calculus of Physics Analysis 9 Proof of stokes theorem URL

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