
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >화학공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course is designed to explore special topics in chemical convergence for energy and environment which invited speakers will deliver.
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin Films and Nanotransfer Direct Printing
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. Seminar Orientation Notice of seminar schedule and syllabus
2. Culture for Technology Innovation & Leadership The world keeps changing. But in a landscape of shifting global challenges, what else is new in the portfolio of qualities, knowledge and skills that can be valuable for leaders as we look towards the second decade of the new millennium? The role of the leader is to facilitate the achievement of the collective goal. Our leaders need to be concerned about the members of their teams, not about themselves. Leadership often requires that we make difficult, painful decisions. It can require that we make personal sacrifice for the good of the group.
3. 문서 2-D and 3-D Assembly of Nano Crystals of Metal Hydroxide Compounds Assembly of nanometer-sized particles on various solid substrates has been the focus of intense interest in the development of new integrated functional materials. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs), known as anionic or hydrotalcite-like clays, have been investigated as a multifunctional inorganic material, for example, host materials, catalysts, sorbents, and bioinorganic and polymer–inorganic composites. Multilayer LDH nanocrystals on solid substrates not only make chemical reactions much more reliable, but also open up a new platform of other useful chemical interfaces difficult to achieve in a bulk system. 소스URL
4. 문서 Dynamic Optimization for Chemical and Biological Processes under Uncertainty Practical process systems exhibit complex dynamics such as nonlinearity and uncertainty, and the computation of optimal operating conditions should consider these factors for performance improvement. In an attempt to address the issues, we have been developing advanced control algorithms incorporating data-mining, statistical tools, and machine learning with optimal control and state estimation. These techniques have been applied to soft-sensor development in oil sands processing units and optimal catalyst design for converting fossil-based and renewable fuels into energy. 소스URL
5. 비디오 Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin Films and Nanotransfer Direct Printing The self-assembled organic layers (SAOLs) were grown by repeated sequential dsorptions of C@C-terminated alkylsilane and metal (Al or Ti) hydroxyl with ozone activation, which was called ‘‘molecular layer deposition (MLD)”. The MLD method is a self-controlled layer-by-layer growth process under vacuum conditions, and is perfectly compatible with the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method. URL
6. 문서 Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin Films and Nanotransfer Direct Printing The self-assembled organic layers (SAOLs) were grown by repeated sequential dsorptions of C@C-terminated alkylsilane and metal (Al or Ti) hydroxyl with ozone activation, which was called ‘‘molecular layer deposition (MLD)”. The MLD method is a self-controlled layer-by-layer growth process under vacuum conditions, and is perfectly compatible with the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method. 소스URL
7. 문서 Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin Films and Nanotransfer Direct Printing The self-assembled organic layers (SAOLs) were grown by repeated sequential dsorptions of C@C-terminated alkylsilane and metal (Al or Ti) hydroxyl with ozone activation, which was called ‘‘molecular layer deposition (MLD)”. The MLD method is a self-controlled layer-by-layer growth process under vacuum conditions, and is perfectly compatible with the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method. 소스URL
8. 문서 Materials by Design: Key Enabler in Sustainable Energy Solution There are extensive research efforts to develop new nanomaterials with higher efficiency in the energy conversion and optimized functional properties, but most of them are driven by empirical trial-and-error material development process. Computational modeling can provide detailed understanding on the microscopic mechanisms and properties nanomaterials for diverse applications. Our research is to apply molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations to identify atomic structures of nanoscale materials and use quantum simulations to investigate functional properties through electronic structure analysis. 소스URL
9. 문서 Molecular Shielding of Genetically Engineered Pancreatic Islets for Xenotransplantation The surface modifications are important techniques for improving blood compatibility since biological reactions such as protein adsorption or blood coagulation are initiated at the interface between the blood and biomaterial. Toward the goal of developing a versatile model for blood compatible materials, a series of cytomimetic thin films was prepared using Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique and vesicle fusion method; (1) a PEG immobilized phospholipid monolayer, (2) a cholesterol mixed phospholipid monolayer, (3) a chemically anchored phospholipid monolayer onto a solid and (4) a PEG covered phospholipid monolayer that is chemically anchored to solid surface. 소스URL
10. 문서 Advanced Functional Nanomaterials In particular, shape, size, structure and morphology controlled nanoparticles have been of great interest due to their unique optical, chemical, and physical properties. Generally, the shape and morphology of nanoparticles could be manipulated by the kinetic and equilibrium control or both. My expertise is to design and develop new materials in order to apply display and optoelectronic devices. Today, I would like to introduce the shape and morphology controlled polymer and metal nanoparticles and their applications to display and energy devices. 소스URL
11. 문서 Physical Properties of Low Dimensional Carbon Based Materials The unique properties of low dimensional systems are generally understood by considering enhanced quantum effects and increased correlations due to the reduction of available phase space. The focus of research is the mesoscopic investigation of transport phenomena, particularly, electric, thermal and thermoelectrical properties of low dimensional nanoscale materials. These materials include carbon nanotubes, organic and inorganic nanowires, 2-dimensional mesoscopic single crystals, and single organic molecules. 소스URL
12. 문서 US Tier4 Final: New Opportunity of SCR Final Tier 4/Stage IV regulations for off-highway diesel engines begin as early as 2013 for engines 55 kW (74 hp) and below. Regulatory dates for engines 56 kW (75 hp) and above will be implemented in stages starting in 2014 and 2015, and require particulate matter (PM) levels established by Interim Tier 4/Stage III B regulations to be maintained while requiring an additional 80 percent reduction in nitrogen oxides (NOx) from previous regulations. The exhaust gas system will typically consist of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), diesel particulate filter (DPF) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of off-highway applications. 소스URL
13. 문서 Interface Engineering for Organic-Based Hybride Solar Cells The concept of dye-sensitized photocells differs from that of conventional semiconductor photocells in that the functions of light absorption and charge carrier transport are separated, hence minimizing the recombination of electrons and holes. In our study, transient absorption spectrometry has been used for the study of electrochemical reactions such as charge transfer yields from a dye cation to a hole conductor or charge recombination kinetics of an injected F30electron on TiO2 and a hole conductor cation. The technique of transient absorption spectroscopy, coupled with recent advanced in laser techniques, has facilitated the study of these kinds of fast electrochemical reactions. 소스URL
14. 문서 Control methods for batch and repetitive chemical processes In the study of RTP systems, the most important issue is how to achieve a uniform temperature profi le across the wafer surface while tracking a specified temperature trajectory as closely as possible. For the design side, a few to several patented design concepts are dominating the current commercial market. For the control side, however, there seem to remain still many issues to improve from temperature sensing to control techniques. From the system theoretic point of view, the RTP system can be considered a nonlinear, multivariable batch system with fast dynamics and noisy measurements where highly accurate tracking over a range of several hundred degrees of Celsius or more is required. 소스URL
15. Final Exam Test and assessment

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