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In this first lecture, some of the basic ideas in hadronic physics is presented. The hadron interactions under dense environment is investigated using the newly developed effective theories and/or holographic QCD for the phenomenological application to the astrophysical phenomena including compact stars. By using chiral Lagrangian with Hidden local symmetry and/or holographic QCD, in-medium modification of hadron properties can be computed, ie. dropping hadron mass and dropping pion decay constant and so on. These will tell us that what happens at the core of the neutron star which is regarded as the high dense system at low temperature. And also our new theoretical results can be applied and verified by the cooperation with the world laboratories(RHIC, LHC/ALICE of CERN, J-PARC, FAIR of GSI and LIGO) for the hadronic matter under extreme condition. |
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Role of the dilaton and the repulsive force in nuclear interactions near the chiral phase transition
In this lecture, we explore the high dense or temperature system using hidden local symmetric(HLS) theory with the diaton which is associated with broken conformal symmetry and responsible for the trace anomaly of QCD. With the incorporation of the \soft dilaton" as suggested by Hyun Kyu Lee and Mannque Rho into baryonic HLS Lagrangian, it has been found that at large density the vector-meson coupling to the nucleon gets suppressed, leading to the quenching of the hard core between nuclear interactions and the suppression of the symmetry energy. This has a potentially intriguing implication on the recently observed 1.97 ± 0.04M⊙ neutron star. |
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In-medium Properties of Hadrons in hQCD(*TBC)
By using the holography, we can describe hadron physics via classical gravity theory namely hQCD. The method in hQCD is presented, brane physics and the dictionary between hadron physics and hQCD. The hQCD model gives that in-medium meson mass is dropped. |