
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


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    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >소프트웨어공학
  • 강의학기
    2024년 2학기
  • 조회수
파이썬 고급 프로그래밍 - Object-oriented programming, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, OpenCV, Algorithm, Data Structure, Graph and Related Graph Algorithms, Python parallel / concurrent processing, thread, generator, Python program performance enhancement
Overview of object-oriented programming, Python class and instance
  • 이전차시
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차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Overview of object-oriented programming, Python class and instance Overview of object-oriented programming, Python class and instance URL
비디오 Python class attribute, operator, user-defined Python class Python class attribute, operator, user-defined Python class URL
비디오 Inheritance of Python class Inheritance of Python class URL
비디오 User defined Python class User defined Python class URL
2. 비디오 NumPy (1) n-dimensional array (ndarray) URL
2. 비디오 ndarray creation and applications ndarray creation and applications URL
비디오 NumPy (2) universal function (ufunc) URL
비디오 NumPy (3) linear algebra URL
3. 비디오 Pandas Pandas-based data analysis URL
비디오 MatplotLib Python-based data visualization MatplotLib URL
비디오 Seaborn Seaborn URL
비디오 OpenCV OpenCV-based video processing URL
4. 비디오 Well-known algorithm, performance enhancement, divide and conquer Well-known algorithm, performance enhancement, divide and conquer URL
비디오 Dynamic programming, Knapsack Problem Dynamic programming, Knapsack Problem URL
비디오 Well-known Data structure, Heap Priority Queue, Hash Map Well-known Data structure, Heap Priority Queue, Hash Map URL
비디오 Graph, DFS, BDS, Dijkstra Shortest Path Search Graph, DFS, BDS, Dijkstra Shortest Path Search URL
5. 비디오 Python parallel / concurrent processing, thread, generator Python parallel / concurrent processing, thread, generator URL
비디오 Python thread, multi-process Python thread, multi-process URL
비디오 Python Socket Communicaton, Text chatting Python Socket Communicaton, Text chatting URL
6. 비디오 Python-based AI, ML Python-based AI, ML URL
비디오 Python-based Deep Learning Python-based Deep Learning URL
비디오 Python-based Reinforcement Learning Python-based Reinforcement Learning URL
7. 비디오 Python program performance enhancement, Numba JIT Python program performance enhancement, Numba JIT (Just In Time) URL
비디오 C++-based Python module, PyCppExt C++-based Python module, PyCppExt URL
비디오 PyCppExt sort, mtrx PyCppExt sort, mtrx URL
비디오 CUDA, GPU, PyTorch-based Python Program Performance Enhancement CUDA, GPU, PyTorch-based Python Program Performance Enhancement URL
8. 비디오 Lecture summary Lecture summary URL

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