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- 2017.04.25
Twenty year old John Simpson, who himself is on the Autistic Spectrum, guides us through the theory and reality of life for many ASD pupils at secondary school. Although his own school days were something of a write-off, John is keen to help raise awareness so that future generations of pupils with ASD can get more out of the mainstream school environment. As well as sharing his own story, John finds out more from Autism West Midlands' Sue Hatton about the 'Triad of Impairments' and 'Theory of Mind', which hold the key to understanding the condition, and Mike Collins from the National Autistic Society throws some light on the various terms that are commonly used to describe people on the spectrum. We also hear from parents of an autistic child about their day to day life, and we hear ideas from the experts about how teachers can adjust the way they teach to better include ASD pupils.
Video Series: Secondary Special Needs
Release Date 2006