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- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
At Langer Primary School in Felixstowe, Year 6 pupils act as playground activity leaders. They run lunchtime sessions to increase physical activity and skills for younger pupils. The Year 6 pupils develop leadership skills, and, because they also devise and test new playground activities, there are cross-curricular applications too. At Brundall Primary School in Norfolk, there's been a successful collaboration with the local Specialist Sports College, Thorpe St Andrew. Students doing the BTEC National Diploma in Sport are regular and popular visitors to Brundall, where, with supervision from teachers, they run PE lessons. The BTEC students gain valuable leadership experience whilst passing on their specialist sports skills to the primary pupils. The primary school's teachers also learn new practices and are able to pass them on to subsequent classes.
Video Series: Get Physical
Release Date 2007