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- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
Staff at Samuel Ward Arts and Technology College in Suffolk have a different approach to setting targets for students - once a term parents and pupils join their form tutors on Pupil Review Days to work through their progress and set goals. The entire school takes part in the process, as the normal timetable is collapsed. In the 20 minute meeting, the tutor, pupil and parents set SMART targets (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound) which look at short-term and long-term achievements inside and outside school. Deputy headteacher Andy Prestoe talks through the process with the help of pupils Chloe and Jacob, and explains how it has worked for them. This programme was created by the Video Request Service in direct response to a request from the Teachers TV audience.
Video Series: Video Requests (Original: Jan to March)
Release Date 2010