- 주제분류
- 교육학 >교육일반 >기타
- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
Worcestershire County Council Early Years advisor Sheila Sage explores the planning and setting up of a role-play area. Sheila and her colleague Sue Durant watch the work of practitioners at Stanley Road Primary School. They follow the development of two linked role-play areas, an outdoor garage scene and a forecourt shop inside the classroom, which are inspired by the children's own ideas and natural play. The practitioners link this role-play with the theme of travel and journeys that is already being covered by the pupils within the Foundation Stage Unit. The children visit local petrol stations and shops to give them first hand experience of a working garage and watch a film to stimulate thoughts and ideas which are used to assemble the role-play area emphasising the importance of making the children feel part of the scene they have helped to create. The role-play featured in the programme provides learning opportunities across all six areas of the curriculum.
Video Series: Early Years
Release Date 2005