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- 2017.04.25
Gladeana McMahon, one of the country's top life coaches, offers time management advice to one of our viewers. Emma Thomas has worked at Stratton Upper School in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire for the last two years and has been a teacher for four. She is head of Year 11 Science and shares the role of GCSE Science coordinator with the head of Year 10 Science. She tries to be organised but ends up with really long lists of tasks. She is not sure whether she is being unrealistic in her planning or whether she needs to be more disciplined in sticking to the plans she has made. A single mother who is trying to juggle work, parenting responsibilities and time for herself, she finds she is working until 11:30 at night. Although she manages to dedicate time to her daughter after school, she has no time left for any time for herself. More than anything she wants to find time to practise her favourite instrument, the viola. She asks Gladeana to help her find the time.
Video Series: Ease the Load
Release Date 2006