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- 2017.04.25
Marie Chaney is a secondary English teacher and form tutor for Year 10. She retrained as a teacher after a successful career in marketing, and now has her sights set on a Head of Year Job. She's been shadowing the job at her school in the West Midlands, but she knows she's not good at interview. She asks Teachers TV's life coach Gladeana McMahon for help in anticipation of any upcoming jobs. There's nothing wrong with her background and experience on paper, so Gladeana sets up a mock interview with a panel of three experienced serving or former headteachers, to observe Marie in action. After a thorough debrief with the panel Gladeana comes up with a plan: she takes Marie off to meet a person who can teach her relaxation techniques to help her during interviews.
Video Series: Getting Ahead with Gladeana
Release Date 2008