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- 2017.04.25
Two Heads of Department, in two very different schools build their leadership capacity through 'distributed leadership' and 'learning-centered leadership'. Rob Ford, Head of History at Ridings School in South Gloucestershire works with a group of colleagues to move forward international education in the school. He models his leadership style around the notion of 'distributed leadership' and we see how this works in practice. He works to ensure that his group are able to communicate with and influence others and in turn are influenced by them. Marnie Weedon, Head of Maths at the City Academy in Bristol champions a culture of learning based on building 'learning power', promoting the process of learning for staff and pupils alike. Professor Guy Claxton, who devised the system, discusses how he believes rewarding pupils for Resilliance, Resourcefulness, Responsibility and Reciprocity has contributed to the successful culture of learning now present in the Academy.
Video Series: Secondary Middle Managers
Release Date 2006