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- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
Discover how ideas can transfer effectively from one school to another, how communication can take place across a network. With Networked Learning firmly on the agenda as one of the ways of raising standards, experts and teachers reveal their tips and hints and give advice about launching and sustaining a successful network. Contributors to the programme include David Jackson who is on the Networked Learning Group at the National College of School Leadership. Since the programme has been in place it has been his job to support the networks and to and encourage more schools to embrace the concept. Charles Desforges a former professor of education at Exeter University has plenty of personal experience of school networks and features in the programme as well as Terry Harris a primary school headteacher who has been part of a network of small rural schools in Sussex known as the NEARS group for nearly 20 years.
Video Series: Managing School Networks - Primary
Release Date 2005