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- 교육학 >교육일반 >기타
- 등록일자
- 2017.04.25
Women of Liberia, do not weep', cries a small boy in a play about the use of boy soldiers in his homeland. Against a backdrop of civil war, brutalised children, poverty and displacement, this pupil and his peers have found refuge in the Carolyn Miller primary school in their refugee camp in Ghana. And for all the school's struggles - hungry pupils, unpaid staff, no electricity or resources - this remarkable school has high ambitions for its pupils. It's both familiar and remarkably different to our own schools. In amongst the day-to-day business of staff meetings, PTAs, discipline discussions and lesson planning are moving scenes of orphaned children, over-crowded classes, PE lessons in the dust, and a drama teacher who believes his pupils are the future leaders of Liberia. And on top of that is the seemingly eternal struggle to get connected up to the mains - but it does look like there is light at end of the tunnel.
Video Series: Inspirations
Release Date 2006