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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수
IT/NT/BT 학습을 위한 양자물리와 양자화학의 기초지식을 응용 위주로 제공함

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Generalities of Quantum Mechanics And Review of Classical Theories Quantum Mechanics & IT/NT/BT. harmonic oscillator, Boltzmann distribution function, equipartition theorem, mobility and conductivity, non-equilibrium distribution function URL
비디오 Review of Classical Theories Maxwell's equations, E & H fields, plane waves & wave packets, band width & pulse duration URL
비디오 Milestones Leading to Quantum Mechanics 1 blackbody radiation & quantum of energy, photoelectric effect & photon, Compton scattering & particle nature of light URL
비디오 Milestones Leading to Quantum Mechanics 2 duality of matter, de Broglie wavelength, Bohr's theory of H-atom, atomic radius, quantized energy level, quantum transitions URL
2. 비디오 Schrodinger Wave Equation 1 time-dependent SE, operator algebra & basic postulates, wavefunction, probability density, expectation value, URL
비디오 Schrodinger Wave Equation 2 time-independent SE, eigenequation, eigenfunction, eigenvalue, commutation relation, conjugate variables & uncertaity relation, properties of eigenfunction URL
비디오 Bound States in Quantum Well & Wire 1 electrons in solids, bounbd states in infinite square well potential, quantized energy level, particle in 3D box, 1D, 2D & 3D densities of states URL
비디오 Bound States in Quantum Well & Wire 2 quantum well, quantum wire, subbands, particle in quantum well, particle in quantum wire URL
3. 비디오 Scattering & Tunneling of 1D Particle 1 scattering at step potential, probability current density, reflection & transmission coefficients, scattering from quantum well, resonant transmission, tunneling & tunneling probability URL
비디오 Scattering & Tunneling of 1D Particle 2 tunneling through a single & multiple potential barrier, resonant tunneling, direct & F-N tunneling, scanning tunneling microscopy, field emission display, single electron transistor URL
비디오 Energy Bands in Solids 1 Kronig-Penny potential, Bloch wavefunction, secular equation & dispersion elation, allowed band & forbidden gap URL
비디오 Energy Bands in Solids 2 E-k curves in 1st Brillouin zone, electron velocity in energy band, effective mass of electron, energy band & resonant tunneling URL
4. 비디오 Quantum Treatment of Harmonic Oscillator 1 eigenfunction & eigenenergy, energy spectrum, zero point energy, properties of eigenfunction, correspondence principle URL
비디오 Quantum Treatment of Harmonic Oscillator 2 uncertainty relation in eigenstate, HO in linearly superposed states, operator treatment of HO, creation & annihilation operators, number operator, phonon URL
비디오 Schrodinger Treatment of Hydrogen Atom 1 angular momentum operators & commutation relations, spherical harmonics & spatial quantization, angular momentum & magnetic quantum numbers, atomic orbitals URL
비디오 Schrodinger Treatment of Hydrogen Atom 2 electron-proton interaction, center of mass & relative motions, reduced mass, principal quantum number and energy eigenvalue, Bohr radius, atomic spectroscopy, degeneracy, reduced [probability density URL
5. 비디오 Perturbation Theory 1 time-independent perturbation theory; non-degenerate & degenerate, Stark effect in H-atom, atomic polarizability URL
비디오 Perturbation Theory 2 Time-dependent perturbation theory, harmonic perturbation, Fermi's golden rule URL
비디오 System of Identical Particles 1 electron spin and Pauli spin matrices, spin operators & spin eigenfunctions, two-electron system & Helium atom, ionization energies; 1st & 2nd, singlet & triplet states, overlap & exchange integrals URL
비디오 System of Identical Particles 2 multi-electron atoms and periodic table, electron configuration, ionization energy & screening of charge, affinity factor, spin-orbit coupling & fine structure of speectral lines, Zeeman effect, electron paramgnetic resonance, URL
6. 비디오 Molecules and Chemical Bonds 1 ionized hydrogen molecule, overlap, Coulomb & exchange integrals, bonding & anti-bonding, binding energy URL
비디오 Molecules and Chemical Bonds 2 hydrogen molecule, Heitler-London theory, covalent bond, ionic bond, Van der Waals attraction, polyatomic molecules, hybridization URL
비디오 Molecular Spectra 1 Born-Oppenheimer approximation, rotational & vibrational spectra, selection rule, P & R branches, URL
비디오 Molecular Spectra 2 nuclear spin & magnetic moment, hyperfine interaction & structure, Zeeman splitting, nuclear magnetic resonance, molecular imaging URL
7. 비디오 Atom-Field Interaction 1 classical treatment; stimulated & spontaneous emission, Einstein A coefficient, atom-dipole, Rabi flopping formula URL
비디오 Atom-Field Interaction 2 quantum treatment; quantization of EM field, creation, annihilation & number operators, photons URL
비디오 Interaction of EM Waves with Optical Media 1 attenuation & amplification, dispersion, attenuation & gain coefficients, permittivity, atomic susceptibility URL
비디오 Interaction of EM Waves with Optical Media 2 density matrix, relaxation times; longitudinal & transverse, laser oscillator, population inversion, rate equation, threshold pumping, laser intensity & frequency URL
8. 비디오 Semiconductor Statistics 1 quantum statistics, conductor, insulator & semiconductor, Fermion, Boson, Fermi-Dirac distribution function, Bose-Einstein distribution function URL
비디오 Semiconductor Statistics 2 electron density in conduction band, hole density in valence band, equilibrium, law of mass action, Fermi level. intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors, donors, acceptors, Fermi potential URL
비디오 Carrier Transport 1 mobility, drift velocity, diffusion coefficient, Einstein relation, current density, equilibrium & Fermi level URL
비디오 Carrier Transport 2 non-equilibrium and quasi-Fermi level, generation & recombination; band to band & trap-assisted, recombination &generation rates, minority carrier lifetime URL
9. 비디오 P-N Junction Diode: I-V Behavior 1 p-n junction in equilibrium & non-equilibrium, junction band bending, depletion depth, built-in potential, charge injection & extraction, URL
비디오 P-N Junction Diode: I-V Behavior 2 forward & reverse biases, forward & reverse currents, generation & recombination currents, junction breakdown; avalanche & Zener URL
비디오 P-N Junction Diode: Applications 1 optical absorption in semiconductors, absorption coefficient, photodiode, photocurrent, URL
비디오 P-N Junction Diode: Applications 2 junction solar cell, photovoltaic effect, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, LED, laser diode, superlattice structure & sub-bands URL
10. 비디오 Field Effect Transistors 1 MOSFET, NMOS, PMOS, channel inversion, threshold voltage, surface charge, ON, OFF & subthreshold currents URL
비디오 Field Effect Transistors 2 silicon nanowire FET, subband spectra, long & short channel FETs, ballistic FET, tunneling FET, subthreshold swing, thermionic & field emission URL
비디오 The Application and Novel Kinds of FETs 1 Nonvolatile flash EEPROM programming, erasing & reading, solar cell; planar, multi-junction & nanowire URL
비디오 The Application and Novel Kinds of FETs 2 biosensor, ISFET, target molecule & probe molecule, spin FET, transport of spin up & down states, spin qubits and quantum computing, entanglement, parallel NOT operation URL

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