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    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >우주과학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수
Numerical simulation is a powerful and useful tool to understand complicated physical phenomena changing with time and space, where diffusion, convection, wave propagation and shock formation are involved. We start by learning basic features of partial differential equations (PDEs) that describe those phenomena. We then study how these equations are converted to the form suitable for numerical simulation. We also do a practical training of writing a numerical code and running a code to perform a simulation. Finally, we master how to use a data analysis software IDL (Interactive Data Language).

차시별 강의

1. 문서 강의계획서 URL
문서 Introduction Numerical simulations of space plasmas I URL
문서 Introduction Numerical simulations of space plasmas II URL
2. 비디오 Basic features of partial differential equations (PDEs) I Three types of PDEs I URL
비디오 Basic features of partial differential equations (PDEs) I Three types of PDEs II URL
3. 비디오 Basic features of PDEs II Characteristics of PDEs I URL
비디오 Basic features of PDEs II Characteristics of PDEs II URL
비디오 Basic features of PDEs II Characteristics of PDEs III URL
4. 비디오 Convert PDE to the form suitable for numerical simulation I Discretization of PDE URL
5. 문서 Convert PDE to the form suitable for numerical simulation II Forward, centered and backward difference methods URL
6. 비디오 1-dimensional thermal conduction problem I Derive FTCS scheme for thermal conduction PDE URL
7. 비디오 1-dimensional thermal conduction problem II Explain basics of Fortran I URL
비디오 1-dimensional thermal conduction problem II Explain basics of Fortran II URL
8. 비디오 Practical training of writing a code in computer languages How to write a code of FTCS scheme in Fortran URL
비디오 Practical training of writing a code in computer languages How to write data-analysis programs in IDL URL
9. 비디오 1-dimensional advection problem I Stability of numerical schemes I URL
비디오 1-dimensional advection problem I Stability of numerical schemes II URL
10. 비디오 1-dimensional advection problem II FTCS scheme for advection PDE URL
비디오 1-dimensional advection problem II Lax-Wendroff scheme for advection PDE URL
11. 비디오 Advanced numerical scheme for advection Numerical diffusion & oscillation URL
비디오 Advanced numerical scheme for advection Artificial viscosity in advection PDE URL
12. 비디오 Advanced numerical scheme for advection Flux limitor in advection PDE URL
13. 비디오 1-dimensional hydrodynamic problem I Fluid dynamic equations (FDEs) I URL
문서 1-dimensional hydrodynamic problem I FDEs II URL
14. 비디오 1-dimensional hydrodynamic problem II Conserved form of FDEs I URL
비디오 1-dimensional hydrodynamic problem II Conserved form of FDEs II URL
15. 비디오 Advanced numerical scheme for hydrodynamics Upwind & Laxwendroff schemes for 1-dimensional FDEs and artificial viscosity URL
비디오 Advanced numerical scheme for hydrodynamics Normalization URL
문서 Shock wave problem Demonstrate numerical simulations of shock wave URL

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