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  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 2학기
  • 조회수
<초급영작문>은 영어를 학습하고 활용하는데 있어 학생들이 자신의 의사를 논리적으로 표현할 수 있는 능력을 함양하는데 그 목적이 있다. 학습 활동이 쓰기를 중심으로 이루어지나 다른 세가지 스킬, 즉, 말하기,듣기,읽기 등의 확장 학습 활동이 빈번하게 이루어짐으로써 궁극적으로는 학생들로 하여금 듣기,말하기,읽기,쓰기 등 영어 활용 능력을 극대화하는데 그 목적이 있다.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction Course Introduction Needs Survey Designing a T-shirt for yourself Writing about yourself URL
2. 비디오 Chapter 1 Getting Acquainted Main idea sentences Describing a picture Writing titles URL
비디오 Chapter 1 Getting Acquainted Main idea sentences Describing a picture Writing titles URL
비디오 Chapter 1 Getting Acquainted Main idea sentences Describing a picture Writing titles URL
3. 비디오 Chapter 2 Fun Activities Talking about a picture Making a list Finishing a paragraph on the board URL
비디오 Chapter 2 Fun Activities Talking about a picture Making a list Finishing a paragraph on the board URL
4. 비디오 Chapter 2 Fun Activities Drawing a picture Writing about your favorite game or sport URL
5. 비디오 Chapter 2 Fun Activities Talking about what people are doing Using adjectives for description URL
6. 비디오 Chapter 3 Special Places Making a diagram of your room Sentences that do not belong Preposition of places URL
7. 비디오 Chapter 3 Special Places Making a diagram of your room Sentences that do not belong Preposition of places URL
8. 비디오 중간정리 URL
9. 비디오 Chapter 3 Special Places Planning a trip in the United States Capital letters for places URL
비디오 Chapter 3 Special Places Planning a trip in the United States Capital letters for places URL
비디오 Chapter 4 A Busy Life Chart of my weekly activities The parts of a composition Simple present tense URL
10. 비디오 Chapter 4 A Busy Life Chart of my weekly activities The parts of a composition Simple present tense URL
비디오 Chapter 4 A Busy Life Greetings in other countries Adverbs of frequency URL
비디오 Chapter 5 Our Roots Completing a web Revising a sample paragraph Editing a sample paragraph URL
11. 비디오 Chapter 5 Our Roots Completing a web Revising a sample paragraph Editing a sample paragraph URL
비디오 Chapter 5 Our Roots Completing a web Revising a sample paragraph Editing a sample paragraph URL
비디오 Chapter 6 Cooking and Eating Interviewing a classmate Comparing eating customs Combining sentences with but URL
12. 비디오 Chapter 6 Cooking and Eating Interviewing a classmate Comparing eating customs Combining sentences with but URL
비디오 Chapter 6 Cooking and Eating Interviewing a classmate Comparing eating customs Combining sentences with but URL
비디오 Chapter 7 A Life beyond That Making a map Telling a story Using an interview Parts of a good paragraph URL
13. 비디오 Chapter 7 A Life beyond That Making a map Telling a story Using an interview Parts of a good paragraph URL
비디오 Chapter 7 A Life beyond That Making a map Telling a story Using an interview Parts of a good paragraph URL
비디오 Chapter 8 A Place in the Future Thinking about your future Capitalizing days abs months Writing specific sentences URL
14. 비디오 Chapter 8 A Place in the Future Thinking about your future Capitalizing days abs months Writing specific sentences URL
비디오 Chapter 8 A Place in the Future Thinking about your future Capitalizing days abs months Writing specific sentences URL
비디오 Chapter 8 A Place in the Future Thinking about your future Capitalizing days abs months Writing specific sentences URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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